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莱昂内尔颤抖的频率和梅金话音的响度有一拼。Lionel shuddered as the sounds got louder and louder.

这个模型认为,响度对数的辨别阈不随信号强度变化。According to the model, limen of logarithm loudness is independent of intensity.

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将滤波后的参数映射为响度,由此模拟人的感知过程。Mapping the filtered MFCC to loudness the process of human perception is simulated.

但是在那里,没有人会说自己的价值是由她丈夫的打嗝响度测量。But over there, nobody will say her worth is measured by the loudness of her husband's belch.

响度组合是汉语语音修辞的要素之一。The combination of loudness is one of the crucial elements of the phonetic rhetoric in Chinese.

室内外都应该适当的有喇叭,其响度应该与安装地点相符合。Speakers shall be suitably used indoor and outdoor, with the capacity depending on the location.

电视机和收音机加起来90或J00分贝,某单位用来测量声音的响度。TV sets and radios add up to 90 or J00 decibels, a certain unit used to measure the loudness of sound.

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而音调信号的清晰度和响度适宜性与信号的绝对强度和相对强度都有关。The clearness of signal and the fitness of loudness are related to both absolute and relative intensity.

M87星云的亮度和响度使之成为了专业和业余天文爱好者的首选观测对象。M87‘s brightness and loudness, as it were, make it a prime target for professional and amateur astronomers.

一些传统的心理声学注重对音高、响度与音色的感觉。Some of the traditional psychoacoustic concerns involve the perception of pitch, loudness, volume and timbre.

在直方图模型设计中,根据响度数据的统计分布对直方图模型进行优化。In the design of histogram model, statistical distribution of loudness is used to optimize the histogram model.

在试验测试基础上,从响度、粗糙度、尖锐度和抖动度等方面对车内噪声品质进行了对比分析。Based on experiments, the qualities of in-car noise are compared in terms of loudness, harshness, sharpness and fluctuation.

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研究证明,四名被试经可视音乐治疗后,音调、响度、语句时长控制这三个方面均有了极其显著的进步。Research shows that they get an extremely significant progress on pitch, loudness, length of sentences after visual music therapy.

并采用模糊直方图进一步提高直方图模型对噪声和响度数值扰动的鲁棒性。At the same time, fuzzy histogram is used to improve the robustness of histogram model to noise and small change in loudness value.

消息类新闻以有声语言为传播方式,其中广泛运用了响度因素。Informative news is a kind of news adopting voiced language as its transmitting means, in which the loudness element is widely applied.

你曾经受鼓舞于大卫艾克在欧洲本土的旅行,以及这美妙的对于他带来信息的反响度。You were heartened to read David Icke's report on his tour of mainland Europe and the wonderful reception that his message is receiving.

广大电视新闻工作者为使信息传播更有效,充分运用了响度因素。To make the transmission of news more efficient, a great number of TV news workers have been taking advantage of the element of loudness.

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目的了解神经性渐进性耳鸣、耳聋患者的耳鸣响度与听阈提高速度的关系。Objective To study the reaction between tinnitus volume and the ascending speed of auditory threshold in chronic nervous tinnitus patients.

其声音响度轻易满足近场听音需要,甜点范围比较宽,在此区域都可获得较好的音场。There's more than enough volume for comfortable nearfield listening and the stereo imaging is generally good with a usefully wide sweet spot.

如果说,参与者已能告诉差异根据他的看法,响度,然后他将砍下正确考验。If that participant had been able to tell the difference based on his perception of loudness, then he would have scored correctly on the test.