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我们被打劫了,是这样吗?We was robbed, innit?

历史上第一次坦克打劫案。The first tank-jacking in history.

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早期岛上的居民也会打劫轮船。Some early islanders were ship wreckers.

他们奉令见到打劫者立即射击。They were told to shoot looters on sight.

朱利安-阿桑奇必然觉得被打劫。Julian Assange must feel like he was robbed.

据报道有人乘火打劫还有人打劫银行。There are reports of looting and bank robberies.

几个月之后,凯文企图打劫银行。A few months later Kevin attempted to rob a bank.

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回到路上,他被四个人拦路打劫。Back on the road, he is set upon by four highwaymen.

这正是他们企图打劫的那户人家。It was the very same house they had attempted to rob.

在柏林,苏军士兵也加入了打劫。In Berlin, Soviet forces did their share of plundering.

这些打劫者的行为没有构成故意伤害罪,因为他们贫穷。These looters aren’t causing mayhem because they’re poor.

一伙响马打劫了唐壁管理的城市。A group of XiangMa robbed tang wall management of the city.

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当我问他在打劫过程中偷到了什么,他笑了。He laughs when I ask what he has stolen during the looting.

娘的,我今天被一个穿着忍者龟服装的人给打劫了。Today, I was robbed by a guy wearing a ninja turtle costume.

因为没有钱支付交易,他有意打劫毒品卖家。With no money to lay out he intends to rob the drug dealers.

匪徒们打劫后,乘一辆盗来的汽车逃走了。After the hold-up , the gang made their getaway in a stolen car.

所以一位18岁的打劫者所说的就一点儿也不惊讶了。So the words of an 18-year-old looter should come as no surprise.

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两个少年准备去打劫一个正从酒吧出来的男人。Two teenagers are preparing to mug a man as he comes out of a bar.

官方发言人指出该店并未被打劫,所以他们无法确认作案动机。Authorities say the store was not robbed. They had not determined a motive.

弗罗里达州的一名男子,在打劫某加油站时,在头上顶了个拖布。A man in Florida attempted to rob a gas station while wearing a mop on his head.