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你能帮我过关出关吗?。Can you help me at the custom?

十点半,开始出关了。At half past ten, we started through customs.

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对不起,请问出关检查护照的地方在哪里?Excuse me, where is the passport control immigration?

海关稽查员正在检查出关的行李。The customs inspectors are inspecting the outgoing baggage.

你好!我们不会英语,请告诉我们持外国护照在哪里出关?Hello! we can't speak English very well, could you lead us to immigration counter for foreigner?

到达澳门后,澳门的关口12点之前都能出关的。After arriving at Macao, you should be able to go through the customs check point anytime before 12.

当你入关时,他们会记录你带的任何一本书籍,出关的时候要对得上。When you enter, they mark down any books you bring in, and you're expected to take same number out again.

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月6日我于澳门出关,直达广州,在广州的芳村国际青年旅舍去住了10天。July 6 I exit in Macau, from Guangzhou, the Guangzhou International Youth Hostel Fangcun to live for 10 days.

我们建议机组在到达之前就填写完成机组申报单,以便更迅捷的出关。We recommend that crews complete the Aircrew Declaration form prior to arrival to speed up customs processing.

即便不假设效用作用的存在,发展出关于消费者的理论仍然是可能的。It is possibleto develop the theory of consumer choice without supposing that a utility function exists at all.

希望各位朋友可以原谅我的任性,出关的日子,我会找你们!哈哈!Hope every friends of mine can forgive my naive, will let you know as soon as possible when I get out from this hole.

文章最后总结了本研究结果,得出关与在任务环境下策略研究和元认知策略研究的几条建议。Finally, the paper concludes with implications for task-based strategy assessment and metacognitive strategies studies in the future.

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每一款星巴克的咖啡豆都反映其原产地的独有风味,如果你知道咖啡豆的生产地,就自能说出关于它的故事。Each Starbucks coffee is a flavourful reflection of its land of origin. You can tell a lot about a coffee if you know where it's from.

李还说美国方面应该令把这些出口货品放行,因为它们之前已经检查了相关的卫生检疫合格证,该证书市由中国出关检疫部门颁发的。Li said the U. S. side should let the exports go after checking the sanitation certificates issued by China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine.

海关是国家的进出关境监督管理机关,从属于国家行政管理系统,对内对外代表国家依法独立行使行政管理权。The customs is the authorities to supervise and control the whole process of import and export. It iS subordinate to the national administrative system.

由明尼那波里到东京预计是12小时,由于出关时有些耽误,我们实际在飞机上待了13小时。The flight from Minneapolis to Tokyo was predicted to be around 12 hours. We were delayed at the gate so the actual time on the plane was around 13 hours.

里面除了说些闻道在少林寺的近况,还拜托蓁蓁能从田大人口中套出关于十六铜人的消息。In addition to talking to scent in the latest development of shaolin temple, also can please contact from field large population had been out of 16 on the news.

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留洋前准备—申请各类证照—免费填写申请表—体检—出关。Preparations for studying abroad – applying for certificates and licenses – filling out application forms free of charge – physical examination – passing customs.

他们还将给出关于特定项目区域的细节的看法,并讨论在进行很少会面的开源项目时所面临的挑战。They also gave insights into the details of their specific project areas and discussed the challenges of working on an open source project where face-to-face meetings are rare.

顺治年时,“龙兴之地”的盛京地区农业歉收,清廷为恢复生产,采取了重新分配旗地,鼓励满族返回盛京,招汉人出关开垦等措施。The imperial government during Shunzhi's time reallocated land to Bannermen, encouraged Manchus to return to Shengjing, and called for Han Chinese to open up land outside of Shanhaiguan.