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你从什麽地方得悉嘉顿有限公司?。Where did you hear about Garden Co. Ltd. ?

从什麽途径得悉这些品牌的运动饮料?。What channel that you know of the brand in energy drinks?

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我是从报纸广告上得悉有此职位的。I learnt of the position through a newspaper advertisement.

得悉丈夫的死讯后她悲不自胜。She was beside herself when she heard of her husband's death.

允儿得悉简洁撞车,立即赶往医院。Allow that concise crash, and immediately rushed to the hospital.

能否早日得悉你方对此事的决定?May we expect to hear your decision on this matter at an early date?

后来,地主得悉群众担保不杀他,于是决定回村去。The farmers, having guaranteed not to kill him, the landlord returned.

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我们得悉萨达特这时正在力促侯赛因国王参战。We learned that Sadat was now pressing King Hussein to join the battle.

得悉令郎已通过入学考试,我十分高兴。I was gratified to learn that your son had passed the entrance examination.

另一方面,君君得悉世贤将会失明,感到非常难过。Meanwhile, Jun Jun is very upset when she learns that Shixian will go blind.

得悉贵公司认为锡片价格太高,颇感意外。We are surprised to hear that you consider our price for tin plate sheets too high.

鸠利亚诺,收到来信,得悉教皇对我擅自离职一事大为震怒。Giuliano, I learn from a letter sent by you that the pope was angry at my departure.

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小鬼们得悉福伯出事,要求咏心带他们到医院探望。Kids learn that accident, requirements of heart to take them to the hospital to visit.

得悉你方报的都是到岸价,希望能给我们报船上交货价。I accept all your prices are on CIF base. We'd rather accept you adduce us FOB amounts.

承蒙我国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介绍,得悉贵公司名称和地址。We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor's Office of our embassy in Beijing.

早晨,当我们得悉母亲去世的消息时,我还不明白死的全部含意。When in the morning we were told of her death, I could not realize all that it meant for me.

力叔得悉欧阳继和眼镜蛇一起,便与「威震江湖」四子前往。Force tertiary learning OuYangJiHe cobra, together with four children to sublime rivers lake.

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小田等人从蒋元口中,终于得悉袁斌年轻时也是泰拳冠军的往事。Oda et from jiang yuan mouth, finally we Yuan Bin and muaythai championship when I was young.

丹仁得悉后便出言质问醒裘,最终季菲亦坦承自己怀疑恺瑜。Dan kernel learning after speak query wake qiu, JiFei also admitted his doubt kai yu in the end.

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