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纤维软骨梗塞或栓塞。Fibrocartilaginous Infarct or Embolism.

格蕾琴费劲地嚼着那块带软骨的牛排。Gretchen chewed energetically on the gristled steak.

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在那里,他们成为了这个软骨犯罪头目的财产。There, they became the gristly crime lord's property.

它是软骨组织包裹喉形成。It is composed of cartilage which surrounds the larynx.

形成的新生软骨为透明软骨样组织。The repair tissue be confirmed to be hyaline cartilage.

犁鼻软骨的横切面呈“J”形。The vomeronasal cartilage is J-shaped in cross-section.

刮除软骨膜,暴露软骨。The cartilage was exposed by scraping the perichondrium.

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软骨功表演者可以把她的脚放在头后面。NO08, The contortionist can put her feet behind her head.

颅底软骨肉瘤可能与脊索瘤难于鉴别。Skull base chondrosarcomas may be confused with chordomas.

外科医生可以剪开阻塞鼻窦的软骨与粘膜。Surgeons can cut away bone and membranes that block sinuses.

软骨膜是向软骨输送血液的。The perichondrium carries the blood supply to the cartilage.

软骨肉瘤是软骨恶性肿瘤的起源。Chondrosarcomas are malignant tumours of cartilaginous origin.

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运动创伤是髌骨软骨软化症发生的重要原因。Sports injury is the important cause of chondromalacia patella.

或许,软骨藻酸能够帮助解释为什么大量的鱼儿涌入港口。Or the domoic acid may help explain why they entered the marina.

软骨神经痛有没有有效的饮食治疗方法???Is cartilage neuralgic have effective food to treat a method? ? ?

就像你耳部和鼻子的软骨一样,他并没有什么重要的功能。Like the cartilage in your ears or nose, it's just kind of there.

软骨肉瘤的低倍镜外观。This is the low power microscopic appearance of a chondrosarcoma.

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瘤细胞间见多量骨样组织和软骨样组织。There are lots of osteoid tissue and chondral tissue in the tumor.

软骨肉瘤是产生软骨基质的恶性肿瘤。Chondrosarcomas are malignant tumors that produce cartilage matrix.

结论MRI对局灶性骨软骨损伤的显示准确。Conclusion MRI can accurately show the focal osteochondral lesions.