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难道他们不都很帅吗?Aren’t they all?

难道我看起来很老吗?Do I look so old?

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难道你没有听到吗?Do you not hear it?

难道一切都毫无疑问地丧失殆尽了吗?Surely all is lost?

难道不存在限度吗?Are there no limits?

难道他们绑架你吗?Did they abduct you?

难道你就从不絮絮叨叨吗?Don’t you ever brag?

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难道还是行不通吗?Wouldn't that do it?

难道你无法学乖吗?。Don't you ever learn?

这难道仅仅是黄粱一梦么。Could this be a dream.

难道你不喜欢树袋熊吗?Don't you like koalas?

难道你不认识我了吗?Don'tyou recognize me?

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难道你没有妈妈吗?So you have no mother.

难道所有的球不都是圆的吗?Aren't all balls round?

难道你不喜欢惊险片?Don't you like thrills?

难道没有办法阻止吗?Have no way arrestment?

难道她是个小狼精吗?Is it a werewolf child?

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难道是祖父辈吗?Was he her grandfather?

难道你不肯爱他吗?Wilt thou not love him?

难道要我留下什么吗?Did I leave anything out?