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因为阿胶的价格大幅上涨,所以今年我们只好少吃点。The price of it has increased significantly, so this year we have to eat less.

我听说孕妇怀孕期是不能喝阿胶的!I have heard that pregnant women should not drink during pregnancy is the Ejiao!

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制约阿胶产能不能实现突破的重要原因是驴皮紧张。The productivity of gelatin is largely conditioned by the shortage of donkey skin.

通过文化营销等手段,目前阿胶的价值正在一步步回归。“Through cultural marketing, the value of gelatin is gradually returning”, Qin says.

阿胶、山药、玫瑰花、茯苓、甘草、薄荷、干姜等。Donkey-Hide Gelatin, Chinese Yam, Roes, Tuckahoe, Licorice, Mint, Dried Ginger, and so on.

尤其董事长是公认的公司缔造者,是东阿阿胶高层管理团队的核心领导。Especially CEO is the company founders and the core leadership of the top management team.

本文综述了中药阿胶的化学成分及其药理药效作用。This is a view on the chemical composition and Pharmacological Function of Colla Corii Asini.

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秦玉峰表示,从目前掌握的情况看,最近一段时间阿胶块的销售并没有因为提价而受到明显影响。Besides, up till now, the price lifting of gelatin piece incurs no obvious impact on its sales.

东阿公司的高层官员说,驴群日渐减少,传统中药阿胶的成本大幅上升。Traditional Chinese medicine costs rise sharply as donkey herds dwindle, says top company official.

因为阿胶的价格大幅上涨,所以今年我们只好少吃点。Because the price of donkey-hide gelatin has increased significantly, this year we have to eat less.

珍珠、玫瑰花、枸杞子、阿胶、茯苓、黄精等。Pearl, Roes, Lycium Fruit, Donkey-Hide Gelatin, Tuckahoe, Manyflower Solomonseal Rhizome, and so on.

同时,东阿阿胶一季度漂亮的业绩,也进一步刺激了股价。Meanwhile, the company’s outstanding achievement in the first quarter further boosts its share price.

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昨日是阿胶权证最后交易日,当日权证收盘13.018元,处于价内权证。Yesterday was the last trading day Ejiao warrants, the date of closing of E 13.018 yuan, at a price of warrants.

应用黄连阿胶汤加减做成的胶囊剂,治疗更年期综合征。Huanglian Ajiao Capsula , derived from modification of Huanglian Ajiao decoction, was used to treat menopausal syndrome.

公司还研发生产了鹿胎阿胶颗粒、野生蓝莓胶囊、玫瑰胶囊等产品。The company also developed production of gelatin particles Deer, wild blueberry capsules, capsules and other products rose.

禁食桂圆、红枣、阿胶、蜂王浆等热性、凝血性和含激素成分的食品。Fasting longan, red dates, donkey-hide gelatin, royal jelly and other hot, blood coagulation and hormone-containing ingredients.

今天上午,来自山东阿胶地区一位30多岁名叫荷花的妇女,放心地踏上了归途。This morning, from Shandong E-Jiao, a region Mingjiao He spent more than 30-year-old women, peace of mind to set foot on the way back.

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如红参的颜色是红棕色,野山人参表面呈灰黄色,阿胶为棕色半透明体。If the color of red ginseng is Gong Zong color, surface of wild hill ginseng shows grey yellow, donkey-hide gelatin is brown translucence body.

东阿县做为阿胶发祥地,生产阿胶已有两千多年的悠久历史,故有“阿胶之乡”的美称。Dong'e county is the birthplace of donkey-hide gelatin, gelatin has two thousand years of production history, therefore has" Ejiao village" reputation.

当归、阿胶、熟地是养血药,对血虚者有补益作用,但服用时间过长会影响食欲,造成腹泻。Danggui, donkey-hide gelatin, Moreover is Yangxue drugs are of benefit to blood deficiency, but taking too much time will affect the appetite, resulting in diarrhea.