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拉姆西大人的侍从,是么?Lord Ramsay's squire, was he not?

如今是御用侍从卫士在管理。The yeoman warders manage it now.

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内侍罗马教皇的名誉侍从。An often honorary papal attendant.

但想象力的缺乏并不仅限于侍从。The lack is not confined to valets.

或是长发红衣侍从。Or long-hair'd page in crimson clad.

他是威尔士亲王的侍从。He is equerry to the Prince of Wales.

我的侍从多的不知道该打发他们去干什么。I have more squires than I know what to do with.

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侍从?噢,抱歉,从政治角度,这么说对吗?。A lackey?Oh, I'm sorry. Is that politically incorrect ?

几分钟后另一个侍从把包给我拿了过来。Another attendant delivered my bag a few minutes later.

公爵,伊济安,狱卒,官吏等,及其他侍从等上。Enter duke, aegeon, gaoler, officers, and other attendants.

查理说完,抛下贞德带领他的侍从走了。After the words, Charles left with his retinues out of Joan.

侍从们出席会议并装出专注的样子。The attendants attend the meeting and pretend to be attentive.

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穿着制服的侍从推开两扇大门,女王出现了。As liveried footmen swung double doors open, the Queen appeared.

比尔·盖茨曾是美国华盛顿州国会的侍从官。Bill Gates was a congressional page at the Washington state Capitol.

什么多恩男孩吧,他是一个被称为绿肠子的大骑士的侍从。Some Dornish boy. He squires for the big knight they call Greenguts.

旁边警察的摩托车护卫着侍从,一动不动的站着。The police motorcycle escort dismounts and stands stiffly to attention.

侍从们假装拾起皇帝披风后那长长的后裾。His attendants pretended to pick up the long train at the back of his cloak.

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佛祖在鹿野苑向他的侍从憍陈如等五人说法道。Buddha preached the sorcery to 5 attendants such as Kaundinya etc. in Sarnath.

侍从们没有预见到他会停步,不由地朝地拥上来。The suite, not foreseeing this halt, could not help pressing up closer to him.

侍从将海鸟关在金笼内,并放在太庙里供养。They kept it in a golden cage and brought it to the Imperial Ancestral Temple.