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他信步朝办公室走去。He toddled down to the office.

那工具信步穿越火墙。The thing stepped through the wall of fire.

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在非洲,你没法信步闲庭似的走在乡间排遣思绪。In Africa you can't walk in the countryside and think.

我们在长凳上休息了许久之后便信步向博物馆走去。After a long rest on the bench we moseyed up to the museum.

十一点差五分,他信步走进了玛丽的小篷子里。At five minutes to eleven he sauntered up to Marie's booth.

巴德和弗洛拉悠闲地散着步,信步在一间花铺前停下来Bud and Flora amble,5 stopping at the occasional flower stall

他信步走到警官跟前问路。He breezed up to the police officer and asked for directions.

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和你在一起就像在一个清晰的朝晨信步。Being with you is like whasking on an extremely clear morning.

我信步在那村子里走着,我发现那是个城。I strolled into the village, and perceived that it was a town.

她信步而行,享受着湿漉漉的草地触及双脚的感觉。She trod casually, enjoying the touch of the damp grass on her feet.

因为他不认识街道,他只得信步走去。As he was not acquainted with the streets, he recommenced his walk at random.

我信步随着好奇的贵妇们穿过几个房间。I sauntered through the rooms, following the inquisitive ladies of distinction.

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停好车子信步走下环城公路,眼前的一切顿时豁然开朗。Parked the car, walking down the ring road, in front of all suddenly become clear.

忆及,我便带了多多信步散步到老井那里,想要感受一下小时候欢笑的氛围。Remember, I took a walk to walk well there, to get a feel for when the atmosphere.

信步走近,首先进入眼帘的是一条蜿蜒的小河和随风摇曳的杨柳。The first thing I saw upon arrival were winding river and the swaying willow trees.

信步在古镇青石铺就的街巷中,仿佛走进了明清社会的历史画卷。Walking in the town Qingshi street, as if into the Ming and Qing Dynasties history.

他从前没有到过阿拉斯,街上一片漆黑,他信步走去。He was not acquainted with Arras, the streets were dark, and he walked on at random.

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信步长堤,仿若西湖从雾霭中刚睡醒似的。Strolling along the boulevard, one feels as if the West Lake were wakening in dawn mist.

当成年熊吃饱了以后,他信步离开了,为他的对手留下一些残羹剩饭。The young one feeds on the remains. It wins a consolation prize of sorts – a full belly.

喰信步走到图书馆看即将在今天结束的全国书籍。Dropped in at National Library to see the National Book Exhibition which will close today.