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她长大后成为一位亭亭玉立的女子。I mean, you're a grown woman.

她长大后成为一位亭亭玉立的女子。She grew up to be a lovely woman.

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你女儿如今已是亭亭玉立的女子了。Your daughter is now quite a woman.

小女娃变成了亭亭玉立的少女。The little girl becomes a pretty young lady.

我想要看她的婴孩,但机会是亭亭玉立的。I want to see her babies, but chances are slim.

她已经亭亭玉立,成了美丽的少女。She has blossomed into a beautiful young woman.

向日葵在阳光中亭亭玉立。The sunflowers stretched tall and proud to the sun.

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她那亭亭玉立的身影,给我留下了深刻的印象。Her slim and graceful figure, left me a deep impression.

女士如站立与人交谈,也应亭亭玉立。President to talk with people such as standing, should be slim.

二战结束后,她很快出落成一位亭亭玉立的少女。After world war ii, she quickly is blossoming into a graceful girl.

她的脸也是粉红色的,象一朵亭亭玉立的花。Her face was pink, too. This made her like a slim and graceful flower.

她的亭亭玉立,可以让这个灰色的城市变得灵性十足。Her slim and graceful figure makes the gray city bright and intelligent.

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时间转眼消逝,小女孩已变得亭亭玉立了。Time went by quickly and the little girl has turned into a beautiful woman.

几年没见她已经长成亭亭玉立的大姑娘了。She has turned into a slim and graceful girl in the years we have been apart.

那盛开的荷花挺着碧绿的茎杆,像一位亭亭玉立的少女眺望着远方。The blooming lotus stand green stems, like a graceful girl watching from afar.

日子过得真快,小女孩变成了亭亭玉立的少女,还留了一头金发。Time passes by. The little girl becomes a pretty young lady. She has golden hair.

我自己也常常画荷花,但总画不出她那亭亭玉立的样子,觉得很遗憾。I have often painted flowers, but no pictures of her arch look, feel sorry about this.

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一棵开满了红色花朵的李树,亭亭玉立于灿烂的晚霞中。It was a plum tree filled with scarlet blossoms standing in front of a beautiful sunset.

我美丽的母亲,亭亭玉立地站在那,有节奏地搅拌着蛋糕粉,脸上沾了点点面糊。My mother stands, a young beauty painted with batter, rhythmically stirring the cake mix.

她以前的同学评价她是个害羞的女孩,她在少女时期就已出落得亭亭玉立。Described by former classmates as shy, she came out of her shell as she blossomed into a young teen.