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他们很快发现了一处废弃的营地并开始设伏。They quickly came across an abandoned camp and waited in ambush.

黄占魁和红九嫂在路上设伏,没想到遇到的却是虎子。Huang Zhankui and red nine putting in ambush on the way, have never thought of is nothing.

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在那里他们学会了如何操作无线电台和现代化武器以及如何设伏。The Tibetans learned how to operate a radio transmitter, fire modern weapons and set up ambushes.

马克通过电台命令总部在出公园的道路上设伏,但为时已晚。Mark radios headquarters to set up ambushes along the exit routes from the park but it is too late.

于是丛林战基本以设伏战以及遭遇战为主。Therefore the jungle warfare basic lays an ambush fights as well as the meeting engagement primarily.

为阻断日军的计划,陈天放率队在老龙口设伏,准备阻止鬼冢所率部署。For blocking the Japanese plan, Chen Tianfang led the team in Laolongkou ambush, ready to block the deployment rate of onizuka.

李冬青知道自己子弹击中奶奶的腹部,紫云县只有牛医生能够手术,遂下令在牛宅外设伏抓捕狗娃。Dong-qing li know they shot in grandmas abdomen, ziyun county only doctors can operation, hence ordered outside the NiuZhai ambush gowardesh capture.

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原本在安格纳普河沿岸设伏的德军被迫长途跋涉赶到贡比嫩,这使得他们比法兰克斯的部队投入战斗的时间要晚的多。Here the Germans had been forced to march all the way from the Angerapp and therefore they arrived much later in the day than Francois' corps had done.

在其和一些市民受到附近饭店屋顶上设伏的塞尔维亚狙击手的火力压制时,一波斯尼亚特种部队士兵正在举枪返击。A Bosnian special forces soldier returns fire in downtown Sarajevo as he and civilians come under fire from Serbian snipers positioned on the roof of a nearby hotel.

我方现场指挥立即下达了速战速决的命令,撤离到100米处,并前往设伏地点增援。Our on-the-spot direction has issued the fighting a battle to force a quick decision order immediately, evacuates to 100 meters place, and goes to the ambush reenforce.