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建立并规律性地温故自己的财政目标。Create and regularly review financial goals.

论述了济阳坳陷地温场的基本特征。The fundamental features of the geothermal field are discussed.

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呼和湖凹陷现今地温梯度为3。The present geothermal gradient of the Huh Lake depression is 3.

路堤临界高度存在的年平均地温临界值约为-0.6℃。The critical value of MAGT for the existence of a critical height is-0.6 ℃.

蕴含纯净美白因子地温和配方令肌肤澄净白皙。The gentle formula with White Pure Active encourages a clear, fair complexion.

深埋长大隧道高地温引起的热害将给隧道施工带来不利的影响。High geothermal in the tunnel with thick overburden is unfavorable for tunnel construction.

覆盖白色和黑色地膜都能明显提高地温。The soil temperature was increased apparently by covering with white or black plastic film.

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他们会说,不管怎样,看看数字就知道,通货膨胀情况出人意料地温和。After all, they'll say, just look at the numbers. The inflation picture is incredibly benign.

这些因素都是通过影响地温场的变化而对多年冻土施加作用效果。The factors above always give effect to the permafrost by changing the ground temperature field.

在昆仑山隧道洞内设置了地温及气温观测断面。Several sections were set up to observe the air temperature and ground temperature in Kunlunshan tunnel.

在地温场的作用下,样品的镜质体反射率与埋深呈指数关系。Controlled by geothermics, the vitrinite reflectance of samples shows an exponential relation with depth.

其中有些问题如地温变化、热污染等是开采地下热水所特有的。Some are particular for the exploitation, such as the ground temperature change and the thermal pollution.

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应用镜质体反射率法恢复了古地温及古地温梯度。This paper restores the palaeogeotherm and palaeogeothermal gradient in Songliao Basin using several methods.

阿尔金断裂以西为挤压坳陷型盆地,地温梯度普遍较低。The basins on the western of Algin Rift were all compressive depressions, their geothermal gradients were lower.

以吐哈盆地温米油田为例,探讨了低伽马泥岩的成因机理及其应用意义。This paper is aimed at studying the origin and application of low gamma shale of Wenmi oilfield, Turpan-Hami basin.

着重对间歇性恢复过程地温变化趋势进行了研究。Moreover, the investigation on the trend of restorative ground temperature in the intermittent process was emphasized.

其盆地地温梯度比主动裂谷盆地低,而比克拉通盆地高。The geothermal gradient in Muglad Basin is lower than that in active rift basin and higher than that in cratonic basin.

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年平均地温作为一个冷源,在下方自下而上对人为上限也起着一定的影响作用。The mean annual ground temperature as a cold source underneath is also playing a certain role in it from bottom to top.

在高地温梯度的影响下,高成熟的天然气沿垂向或侧向运移而聚集成藏。Affected by high geotemperature gradient, high mature gas vertically and laterally migrated to accumulate into reservoirs.

在山前地区,与山区常温地下水循环交替强烈,浅部地温梯度明显偏低。In the front of the mountain area, circle alternate is intensive, the shallow geo-temperature gradient is on the low side.