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“突然,拥有600万穆斯林人成为了一种优势,”一个人淡淡地评说。“Suddenly, having 6m Muslims is a great advantage,” notes one dryly.

至于成果,那就留于后人评说吧。As for the results, just leave it to the later generation to comment.

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卡斯特雷萨纳评说罗森博格,“他就像一颗自杀炸弹,引爆了自己。”Castresana says of Rosenberg, “He set himself off like a suicide bomber.”

“我对我们的未来非常非常乐观”佩奇这样简评说。"I'm very, very optimistic about our future, " Page said in brief comments.

论及今人不可陷于轻视,评说古人毋作偶像崇拜。----切斯特菲尔德。Speak of the moderns without contempt, and of the ancients without idolatry.

戴维斯后来冷淡地评说那赛果是「白纸黑字」地摆在眼前。Davis later drily commented that the match had all been there "in black and white".

一条英文标语写道,“无需自我表白,当你离去时,自会有人来评说。”“Do not talk about self, ” read one sign in English. “It will be done when you leave.”

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麦尔维尔经常对写作、阅读和认知等心理活动进行评说。Melville frequently comments on mental processes such as writing, reading, and understanding.

萧先生郑重推介此书,且逐词评说其章法体例。Professor Hsiao highly recommended this book and provided detailed annotation on its organization and style.

炼金师就能避开这些陷阱,甚至从最毒或明显一无是处的评说中学到东西。Alchemists are able to avoid those traps and learn from even the most noxious or apparently useless comments.

铜铸的里根站在图书馆门口,欢迎每个前来参观的人。历史留给人民评说。The doors of this library are open now and all are welcome. The judgment of history is left to you, the people.

在评说他们之前,我们先要兔费地使他穿暖、吃饱,并用我们的兴奋剂使他恢复健康。We should feed and clothe him gratuitously sometimes, and recruit him with our cordials, before we judge of him.

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同一舞台上,有跨朝跨代跨国跨洲的人来评说潘金莲。The same stage, there is inter-generational cross-border inter-Korean intercontinental people to note Pan Jinlian.

唐。艾默斯的妻子评说罗格斯大学女子篮球队的队员们是刚柔并济的非凡的女子。Don Imus's wife says the members of Rutgers women's basketball team are unbelievably courageous and beautiful women.

文章的第三部分是对行政法学理论基础的一般认识及评说。The third section is about the general understanding of the theoretical basis of Administrative Law and its comments.

他作为一个小说家的缺点先不去评说,他对短篇小说的驾驭能力不断增长。And whatever his flaws as a novelist, his growing mastery of the short-story form continued to define him as a writer.

本文则以致力于诗歌创作的清初文人为视角,详细探讨了他们对王学的理解和评说。This article closely examines the literati or the early Qing Dynasty is understanding and criticism of Wang Yang-ming.

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然而,听那些富人忠实捍卫者的评说,你就会感到沃伦女士简直就是托洛斯基的重生。But listening to the reliable defenders of the wealthy, you'd think that Ms.Warren was the second coming of Leon Trotsky.

儒佛轩轾、优劣之争已成历史陈迹,故今天我们评说之,应该可以避免主观性。The disputes over the superiority between Confucianism and Buddhism have passed, so today's comments can avoid subjectivity.

有新近读者要求我详细论证这个题目,马克的评说会加快他们理解的速度For newer readers who continue to ask me to elaborate on this subject, hopefully Marc's commentary will bring them up to speed