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一条船浮在水面。A boat is on the water.

蹦跳的鱼跃出水面。The jumping fish broke.

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船在水面上行驶。Boats sail on the water.

空心球浮在水面上。The hollow ball floated.

鱼儿浮上水面。Fish rise to the surface.

鱼游到水面上来了。Fish rose to the surface.

保持拖缆在水面以上。Keep towline above water.

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史莱姆现在浮在水面上。Slimes now float in water.

树叶浮动在水面上。Leaves floated on the water.

第二天早上,这条鱼蹦出了水面。That morning the fish jumped.

皮球在水面上漂荡。The ball drifted on the water.

那只皮球在水面上漂荡。The ball drifted on the water.

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鹅群几乎把水面盖了。The geese almost hid the water.

微风使水面上荡起了涟漪。The lake dimpled at the breeze.

帆船掠过水面。The sailboat skimmed the water.

小艇滑过水面。A boat slides through the water.

石块打著水面漂削而过。The stone skipped over the water.

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水面舰艇电报机。The surface ship engine telegraph.

水面将阳光反射回来The water threw back the sunlight.

一个鱼鹰在水面上飞翔。An osprey is flying over the water.