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铝合金运动型轮椅。Sport Aluminum-alloy Wheelchairs.

重量轻,耐水铝合金。Low weight, water-tolerant aluminum alloy.

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超轻7005铝合金双抽管车架。Alu Superlite 7005 Crossroad Double Butted.

超轻量型铝合金看护轮椅。Light weight Aluminum-alloy Transfer chair.

防酸碱铝合金底盘,坚固耐用。The clip is acid-resistant, alkali-resistant.

机体采用热处理的铝合金制造而成。The body is made of heat-treated aluminum alloy.

本公司可以提供铝合金线槽来满足布线需要。Our company can provide aluminum slot for wiring.

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底模用铝合金底板,含可调装置。Aluminum platen base, including adjustment device.

单点梁,铝合金,无色阳极化处理。Single beam , aluminum alloy , colorless anodized.

门体铝合金全部采用1.0厚度以上。Aluminium alloy door all adopt 1.0 thickness above.

铝合金高级轮椅背部可折叠。Aluminum -alloy Wheelchair with Fold-down backrest.

铝合金气焊、氩弧焊用。Gas welding and argon arc welding of pure aluminum.

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舱体为全密封铝合金结构。It was constructed with aluminium alloy all sealed.

铝合金窗的外框扎在杂物堆上。Aluminum alloy housings Norte window in debris piles.

皇星铝合金头软包装堵缝枪。Huangxing alloy head repairing gun with soft package.

对H13钢穿孔顶头进行了稀土铝合金化研究。The H13 steel piercer point alloyed by Re-Al is studied.

优质铝合金支架,永不生锈,寿命更长。Qualified Alu Stand, not get rusty and longer using-life.

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高散热铝合金灯架。Aluminum-alloy lamp housing for superior heat dissipation.

用于加工铝合金中梃型材。It is suitable for processing mullion of aluminum profile.

是铝合金中可焊性最强的铝,并且焊接方式多样。It is the most weldable of aluminum alloys, by any method.