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这就是我们谈论的太平盛世的含义。That is what we mean when we talk about it.

真希望有一个信用卡的太平盛世!May there is a peaceful world using credit card.

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我们要的是同一个世界,同一个梦想,太平盛世地球国。We want One World, One Dream, and Peace on Earth.

太平盛世公园是对芝加哥格兰特公园的扩大。Millennium Park is an extension of Chicago's Grant Park.

如此一来,原本美好的“太平盛世”还能“太平”吗?Thus, originally good "peaceful golden" still can "peace"?

朕将国家治理为前所未见的太平盛世。I led my country to the greatest prosperity that it has seen.

在太平盛世里我也见过很多一贫如洗的男男女女,在苦海中挣扎。I met many women and men with very little in the best of times.

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怎样才能称之为地球人类社会实现了“太平盛世”呢?How can call earth human society has realized "peaceful golden"?

地球人类之“太平盛世”无法在一国实现。Earth people of "peaceful golden" cannot be realized in a country.

希望在太平盛世的时候依然互相理解。Hope during a trouble free year, there is still such understanding.

泱泱大国,礼仪兴邦,时值和谐美满的太平盛世。Great country, decency and prosperous, at a time of peace and harmonious happy.

地球所有自然人都渴望能够在这一太平盛世的社会形态中生活。All of earth natural persons are eager to in this peaceful golden form of society in life.

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在地球人类漫长的社会生活中出现了“太平盛世”这一词语。这,是人类的福音。In earth humanity long social life appeared "peaceful golden" this words. This is human Gospel.

所罗门王所领导的太平盛世,造成了他在属灵方面的问题。During a reign distinguished by peace and prosperity, Solomon developed spiritual heart problems.

风平浪静时人们容易变的自满,他们认为这太平盛世会持续到永久A lot of people get complacent during normal times and they assume that normal times will go on forever.

地球人类之“太平盛世”不可或缺上述“和平,统一,平等,劳动,自由,仁爱,消。Earth people of "peaceful golden" indispensable above "peace, unity, equality, labor, freedom, charity, disappear.

这些都在某种程度上促成了英国人善于折衷妥协的民族精神,从而开启了长达数个世纪的太平盛世。These, to some extent, have shaped the English national spirit of compromise and several centuries of Millenarian.

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凯撒奥古斯丁在他的年代曾经声名极盛,他统治罗马帝国,并且缔造了一段史称「罗马和平时代」的太平盛世。Caesar Augustus was famous in his day. He ruled the Roman Empire and ushered in a period of peace known as the Pax Romana.

麒麟被认为是有德性的仁兽,历代帝王都把它看作是太平盛世的象征。It is considered as an animal of morals and benevolence and all previous monarchs considered it as a symbol of peace and prosperity.

在使地球人类真正实现“太平盛世”的整个进程中,有两种力量起到关键的推动作用。Making the earth human true realization "peaceful golden" of the whole process, have two kinds of power to play a key role in promoting this.