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我以为城区病院有最好的办事。I think Town Theater has the friendiest servic.

病院在离家20英里外的北加利福尼亚的格林威尔。The hospital was in Greenville, North Carolina, 20 miles from home.

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戴帽的无能男子走进热忱好客的首都病院。The incapable man in cap went into the hospitable capital hospital.

迩来,他病倒了,除了躺在病院病床上,甚么也不能做。Though he has a lot of money, he can do nothing but lie in the hospital's bed.

英国一家病院称,一位北爱尔兰妇女生下六胞胎。A British hospital says a mother in Northern Irelandhas given birth to sextuplets.

只需一到50岁,每年就应到正轨病院的泌尿外科做次筛查。Only one or 50 years, every year should go to the track hospital urology do screening.

由于在病院的缘故,谢莉决议当一名护士。As a consequence of being in hospital, Shelly decided that she wanted to become a nurse.

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东邦大学医学部佐仓病院内科学讲座例会。General Meeting of the Department of the Internal Medicine, Sakura Medical Center, Toho University.

地图显示本港于二零一零年六月至七月期间手足口病院舍爆发的分布。The map shows the distribution of institutional outbreaks of HFMD in Hong Kong in June and July, 2010.

随之而来的向南面临西凤的哭诉,终于向实际降服佩服,赞同去中病院报到。Subsequent facing south west chicken sobbing, finally to actual surrender admire, agreed to report in hospital.

当地部分紧急调动29辆救护车,将伤者送往福泉和贵阳的病院。Local authorities had mobilized 29 ambulances to rush the injured to hospitals in the cities of Fuquan and Guiyang.

工作惊扰了院长,由于这件事必定会影响到病院的名誉,他决议把它查分明。The thing was stocked by the president as it could influence the hospital's fame. So he determined to survey it entirely.

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强强去肉体病院的当天,陈融融却忽然变卦,强强一个人跑到医院见爸爸。Combining the flesh on the day of the hospital to warm, Chen, combining the mind but suddenly a man went to the hospital to see dad.

厥后我才懂患上,给我打针的阿谁大夫方才来病院才一个礼拜,底子就是把我当成为了试验品!Later I learned that give me injections that the doctor had just come to the hospital only a week, there is to me as the guinea pigs!

图示本港五月九日至六月十九日间爆发手足口病院舍所涉及的个案分布。Using graduated symbols, the map shows the distribution of HFMD cases recorded in outbreaks during the period from 9 May to 19 June 2008.

当他们四目相对时,温雪忽然跑了,凌桀莫明其妙,只好跟着跑曩昔,正好被在病院的特殊看到。When they four eyes relative, WenXue suddenly run, ling jie, had to follow run at an empty purse ever, just be in hospital of special to see.

一个男孩患营养不良领巾盖他的脸,继续在索马里首都摩加迪沙,2011年7月28日,在病院的飞走。A boy suffering from malnutrition has a scarf cover his face to keep the flies away at a hospital in the Somali capital of Mogadishu, July 28, 2011.

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一名27岁的埃及妇女礼拜六早晨在海滨城市亚历山卓生出了七胞胎,其家庭成员和病院主管说。A 27-year-old Egyptian woman gave birth to septuplets early Saturday in the coastal city of Alexandria, family members and the hospital director said.

按照我国目前的医疗输液问题,设计了一套面向所有大中小病院和诊断所的病院输液监控系统。According to China's current medical infusion problem, designed a set of medium hospitals and diagnosis for all the hospital infusion monitoring system.

正在私野闭照病房外呆了一个礼拜先,年日妇感觉尔已歹转了很少,并否以立救师飞机转到奥斯汀的怨欧洛恢复健康病院。After one week in a private room the doctors felt I had improved enough to be transferred by jet ambulance to Del Oro Rehabilitation Hospital in Houston.