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他们从不感到欢乐,但经常心醉神迷。Joy never, ecstasy forever.

或拨响令人心醉神迷的七弦琴。Or waked to ecstasy the living lyre.

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但看看罗马人共同的心醉神迷啊!But look at the collective ecstasy of the Romans!

我从未在公园里看到过如此令人心醉神迷的鲜花。I have never seen such spellbinding flowers in the park.

我记得非常清楚,公园里的鲜花从未令我心醉神迷过。I have never seen such spellbinding flowers in the park.

公园里处处是令人心醉神迷的鲜花。There are spellbinding flowers here and there in the park.

在中央公园心醉神迷的小听众就是最好的证明。The enchanted young listeners in Central Park are proof of that.

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他朗诵时的那种洪亮的节奏,那种心醉神迷,对我已足够了。His ecstatic declamation of the sonorous rhythm was enough for me.

在这个心醉神迷地美丽的电影中,墙壁从不翻倒,不过女人做。In this ecstatically beautiful film, walls never tumble, only women do.

为什么学习知识不能和娱乐一样令人乐而忘倦、心醉神迷?Why can’t learning knowledge be as pleasant and enchanting as entertainment?

整的来说,我这一段写作的时期,对我来说是一段心醉神迷的时期。On the whole the period of which I am writing was for me one of ecstatic excitement.

他们心醉神迷地发着光,与所能想象的最明亮的爱、欢乐、和喜悦一起闪烁。They glow ecstatically, ablaze with the brightest love, happiness and joy imaginable.

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他们心醉神迷地发着光,与所能想象的最明亮的爱、乐、喜悦一起闪烁。They glow ecstatically , ablaze with the brightest love, happiness and joy imaginable.

但是即使就在她们的又拉又打中,艾奇仍沉浸在喜悦的心醉神迷里。But even as they plucked at him and struck him, Ikey remained in his ecstatic trance of joy.

这张桌子可以用来工作、娱乐,还有,哈哈,仅仅用来让人心醉神迷也不错!This is a table that can be used for working, entertaining and, well, just generally swooning over.

这个暗喻指的是心醉神迷,现代生活的狂喜,这种热切的渴望也反映在施蒂格利茨的照片中。The metaphor suggests ecstasy, the exaltation of modern life, that aspiration imaged in Stieglitz too.

你可以进到里面,收集那些像上帝赐予的圣餐般的故事,或许可以永远地收集下去——令人心醉神迷的职业!You could enter it and gather up stories like manna, gather them perhaps forever — an ecstatic occupation.

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他只是把它拿在手里,又坐了很长一段时间,接着他突然发现自己有了睡意,这让他简直感到心醉神迷。He just sat with it in his hand for another long period. Then, suddenly, almost ecstatically, he felt sleepy.

有多少人半夜醒来是因为再次体验一种心醉神迷的经历?How often do people wake up in the middle of the night because they just relived an ecstatically pleasurable experience?

直到今日,仍令人心醉神迷,因为那块宁静无争、安然知足的净土,是人人都想追寻的。Even today the idea of Shangrila remains appealing because everyone wants to find such a land of peace, harmony, and contentment.