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罗莉,御姐,女王,听我号令!Loli Sister and Queen heed my call!

一项任务以预先号令开始。A mission begins with a warning order.

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号令自然,必须遵守自然“Nature to be commanded must be obeyed."

军号吹响前进的号令。The bugle sounded as the troops advanced.

好,来人啊,传我号令,鹤翼突袭!Well, somebody, I order, crane wing raids!

号令自然,必须遵守自然。And "nature to be commanded must be obeyed".

那些女子还是哈哈地笑,不听号令。The ladies giggled instead of taking his order.

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这篇文章可以被更广泛地解读为战斗的号令。This can be read more broadly as a call to arms.

那些女子还是哈哈地笑,不听号令。The ladies still giggled instead of taking his order.

独眼的人服从孝顺的不雅众的号令。the one-eyed man obeyed the obedient audience's order.

又如赴敌之兵衔枚疾走,不闻号令,但闻人马之行声。No orders were heard but the traveling sound of the troop.

我已经站在起跑线上了,只等你下进军的号令。长官说。I am on the starting line now, waiting for your marching order.

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告诉格兰特让GMU构筑工事苦守,等候我的号令再行开进。Tell Grant to keep the GMU dug in and wait for my word to move in.

听关主下的号令来做出反应。Listens to close main under the verbal command to make the response.

可见禹的号令已能指挥如此多的国家。Yu can see that the orders have been able to command so many countries.

创造太阳的上主是伟大的,太阳依照他的号令,急速运行。Great indeed is the LORD who made it, at whose orders it urges on its steeds.

不知什么原因,那天晚上生意很好--客人的桌数远远超越我们能号令的数量。For some reason, we got a run of business -- far more tables than we could handle.

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警官不许可兵士为不执行他地号令找任何捏词。The officer allowed no soldiers to take any excuse for not carrying out his orders.

一九九四年十一月二十四日深圳市人民政府第38号令发布。Promulgated by Decree No. 38 of the Shenzhen People's Government on November 24,1994.

站在起跳台上,我集中意志,号令全身的肌肉进入备战状态,两耳则警觉地等待着发令员的指示。Up on the blocks I willed my muscles into obedience, alert for the starter's commands.