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我在货架上看到过。I saw it on the rack.

它们都在何处的阿谁货架上。They are all there on the shelf.

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这家商店内部的货架,一般是空的。The store with half-empty shelves inside.

把食品整齐摆放在货架上和冰箱内。Stock food items neat in shelves and fridges.

中国制造的,直接扔回货架。Made in China gets put right back on the shelf.

来自游牧2货架上,与前有线保险丝。Comes mounted on Nomad 2 shelf, with pre-wired fuse.

格列奥不被人们喜爱而大量滞留在货架上。Goleo has remained unloved and largely on the shelf.

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为什么不货架稳定奶需要冷藏?Why doesn't shelf-stable milk require refrigeration?

货架上有没有漏喷漆,或者掉皮的现象。Shelves have leakage spray paint, or peel phenomenon.

磁货架亨利尤利尔这些货架上可以加入任何磁面。These shelves can be adhered to any magnetic surface.

有一个苦力从货架上抓了几盒青霉素。A coolie grabbed a handful of penicillin from a shelf.

店员只好把大米放在五个货架上。Clerks stocked five shelves with bags of rice instead.

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货架寿命18个月的所有大小说,阿尔坎塔拉。Shelf life is 18 months for all sizes, says Alcantara.

动式,自流式等各种轻,中,重型货架。Type, gravity-such as light, medium and heavy shelves.

可是我在货架上找不到这种潘婷。However, I could not find any such Panteen on the shelf.

在田纳西州顿拉普市场,树枝就是服装摊摊主最好的货架。Dresses are among the items up for grabs in Dunlap, Tenn.

螺丝钉帽并证明有货架寿命的个人资料给它。A screw cap does prove to have a shelf life profile to it.

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货架上摆满了鲜润的水果。The racks in this fruit store are stacked with fresh fruit.

他把新鲜水果货架摆在店堂门口。He set the stands of fresh fruit at the entrance of the store.

我握着秒表,在谷物食品货架后方观察她。Stopwatch in hand, I observe her from behind a cereal display.