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我认为我并非孤芳自赏。I don’t think I’m alone in this.

全世界都没人欣赏,自己依然可以孤芳自赏。If nobody appreciate you, you still can be narcissistic.

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总是孤芳自赏却屡受冲击肯定是有缘故原由的。Pretentious has always been the subject of frequent combat is certainly a reason.

他们所信奉的宗教创始人可并不这样孤芳自赏,”麦克菲尔噗哧一笑说。"The founder of their religion wasn't so exclusive" said Dr Macphail with a chuckle.

“他们所信奉的宗教创始人可并不这样孤芳自赏,”麦克菲尔噗哧一笑说。"The founder of their religion wasn't so exclusive, " said Dr Macphail with a chuckle.

或许,对于孤芳自赏的美术来说,电影更适合他。Perhaps film suits him better than fine arts, which are more introspective and self-absorbed.

他丝毫不认为自己内向孤僻,他在自己的程序术语和代码世界里孤芳自赏,自我陶醉。Very much an introvert, he feels most comfortable in the world of code and programming jargon.

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这种美是清高的美,是孤芳自赏傲俗的美!This kind of is beautiful is self-contained beautiful, is the narcissistic is vulgar beautiful!

到了浪漫主义时期,这个万能的权威走到了顶点,成了一个孤芳自赏的吟诵者。In the Romantic Period, this omnipotent authority came to a head, becoming a narcissistic intoner.

人就是这样,喜欢活在自己虚构的世界里,自我畅想,孤芳自赏。Is one such person, likes to live in their own world of fiction, self-Imagination, fit of narcissism.

群众的眼睛是雪亮的,你觉得自己水平很高,其实是孤芳自赏。The eye of masses is bright, you feel him level is very high, it is indulge in self-admiration actually.

受到这种花祝福而生的人,孤芳自赏。不易亲近。Be spent the person that bless and lays by this kind, be close to indulge in self-admiration, not easily.

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我觉得它们中的大部分影片都过于孤芳自赏,而在结构上与电影技巧上又不够大胆。I find most of them a little too aware of their worthiness, aswell as structurally and cinematically timid.

他们想当然地认为自己懂得比谁都多,渐渐变得孤芳自赏,自傲,对别人容忍度差。They take it for granted that they know more than everyone else, and become narcissistic , proud and intolerant.

翻卷着的白浪,淙淙的流水声,空谷幽兰,孤芳自赏。Rolled with the whitecaps, gurgling sound of water, secluded orchid in a deserted Valley, indulge in self-admiration.

一朵花孤芳自赏,仅仅是美丽,而一片互相扶持的锦绣却撑起了一个春天。One flower with self-admiration is just a single beauty, while many flowers , foiling each other, have created a spring.

就像咱们把房子装修的再好,但是没有客人来,又有什么用?难道做网站,就是让自己孤芳自赏。Like no matter how good we renovated the house, but no guests, what is the use?Do up the site, is to make their own narcissistic.

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和许多开源项目一样,PHP变得流行,流行的动机并不能用正常的哲学来进行解释,甚至流行得有些孤芳自赏。And as with many open source projects that have gone on to become popular, the motivation was never philosophical or even narcissistic.

她也曾是个美人,至今丰韵犹存,眉宇间不无孤芳自赏的神气。Elsing was younger, a thin frail woman, who had been a beauty, and about her there still clung a faded freshness, a dainty imperious air.

心理学家在考虑,孤芳自赏者可否被看作是极力掩饰自己极端的自负或自卑。Psychologists wonder if narcissists are defined by extremely high self-esteem or by extremely low self-esteem that they are trying to mask.