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你工作卖力么?Do you work hard?

他们俩都干得非常卖力。They both worked very hard.

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李先生对他的新工作很卖力。Mr. Li was gung-ho about his new job.

他确实卖力地干粉墙的工作。The job doesn't really challenge him.

他有柔韧的肌肉来卖力工作。Third, he had flexible flesh to work well.

最卖力拉车的马,挨鞭子最多。The horse that draw most, it's most whipped.

集体的活她一向于得很卖力。She has always worked hard at collective jobs.

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他确实卖力地干粉墙的工作。He really went at the job of painting the wall.

母亲特别卖力地把晚会准备好。Mother fell over herself to get the party ready.

她卖力地进行复杂的计算工作。She beavered away at her complicated calculations.

别担心,伦敦,今晚我还是会为了你卖力表演的。Don’t worry London, I’m still playing for you tonight.

我们干的越卖力,完成的就越轻松。The harder we work, the easier it is for us to finish.

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汤尼在自己的办公室里卖力地做一堆工作。Tony is in his office, driving away at a pile of work.

我们干得越卖力,完成得就越轻松。The harder we work , the easier it is for us to finish.

讽刺他总是劝我们为了再低的薪水也得更卖力…He is always exhorting us to work harder for a lower salary.

他擦地板真卖力,都能在地板上照见你的脸。He polished the floor so hard you could see your face in it.

小青年待我极好,开车卖力,交帐忠诚。Little young to be my wonderful, hard drive, loyalty pay off.

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该队打得很卖力,但仍然不能打成平手。The team played very hard, but could not get out of the hole.

当你确实喜欢你所做的事情时,你就会很卖力地去做。When you really like what you’re doing, you work very hard at it.

如果你的电脑很卖力,而你却倍感乏力,那就有点讽刺意味了。How ironic that while your computer is working harder, you're not.