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这完全是凭空捏造。This is a sheer fabrication.

关于伊莎贝尔的写作,她完全是凭空捏造的。Her impression with regard to Isabel's writing was quite illusory.

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网络缩略词并非凭空捏造,相反,它遵循了严格的规则。Totesing is not random. On the contrary, it has strict rules to follow.

可以,但你必须给我提供所有的数据,你知道,我不能凭空捏造。Yes, I can, but you'll have to give me all the data. I can't create something out of thin air, you know.

于2001年采用欧元的希腊事后承认它使用的预算数据是凭空捏造的。Greece, which adopted the euro in 2001, subsequently admitted that it had done so with made-up budgetary figures.

但是,有一天,他们惊恐地发现他们期待的富有只是别人凭空捏造的想象。But then, one day, they discovered to their horror that their supposed wealth was a figment of someone else’s imagination.

基于的信用贷款和部分准备金的资金从凭空捏造菲亚特模式已达到顶峰。The credit based fiat model of fractional reserve lending and fabrication of money out of thin air has reached its pinnacle.

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X17没有向外报导在疗养院的探望是因为我们不想凭空捏造出那些问题和忧虑,这些问题和忧虑没有任何东西可以证明是真的。X17 did not report on the paramedics' visit because we didn't want to create questions or concerns where none were warranted.

在一些凭空捏造的控诉下,她被判监禁11年,现在又被禁止从事律师工作20年。On some of these trumped-up charges she has been sentenced to 11 years in jail, and is now banned from practising law for 20 years.

他们列举的央视劣行,稍用点脑子、稍有点良知的人都能理解,他们并非凭空捏造。They cite the misdeeds of CCTV, with a little point of the brain, some point of conscience can understand that they are not fabricated.

这项研究并非凭空捏造,哈佛大学的一组研究团队已成功让年长老鼠重返青春。This research was not fabricated and a research team at Harvard University has already successfully allowed an old mouse to become young again.

这些都是根据被盗出的材料和叛教者的叙述,而山达基教会宣称他们对哈伯德的人生所进行的描述是错误百出、凭空捏造的。All rely on stolen materials and the accounts of defectors, and the church claims that they present a false and fabricated picture of Hubbard’s life.

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尽管娱乐无罪,但无论如何都应该遵守一个道德底线,不能钻网络虚拟性的空子,凭空捏造虚假事实。Although the entertainment is innocent, but should observe a moral agent in any event, cannot drill network hypothesized the opening, fabricates the false fact.