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他的忠告是主动提出的。His advice was unasked for.

我需要你的忠告和支持。I need your advice and support.

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将蒂帕嬷的忠告铭记于心吧。Take Dipa Ma's advice to heart.

没有实质帮助的忠告亳无用处。Counsel without help is useless.

好的忠告是无价宝。Good advice is beyond all price.

忠告是无价宝。Good advice is beyond all price.

现在你可以给我一些忠告。Now you can give me some advice.

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忠告某人不可把车开得太快。Advise sb. not to drive too fast.

但是她忠告父母们必须试试。But she says parents have to try.

再不然至少可以给他一些忠告。Or at least give him some advice.

她把我的忠告置之脑后。She devested herself of my advice.

老师给了她一番忠告。The teacher dosed her with advice.

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愚者可以给智者忠告。愚者千虑,必有一得。A fool may give a wise man counsel.

给妈妈挨电话,你看生活的忠告。Casl you could mother on the phone.

忠告是无价宝。Good advice is beyond all priceless.

给你一些生活的忠告_叶落知秋…I'll give you some advice about life.

最坏的人常能给予最好的忠告。The worst men give often best advice.

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我常常去聆听海豚的忠告。I would go to the Dolphins for advise.

老狗叫,是忠告。If the old dog barks,he gives counsel.

如果老狗叫,他是给忠告。If the old dog barks, he gives counsel.