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活动包括狂喜地跳舞和旋转的苦行僧。A dervish whose actions include ecstatic dancing and whirling.

你像忏悔中的苦行僧一般日日夜夜伫立着You stand still day and night, like an ascetic at his penances

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苦行僧能把针穿过一只胳膊而感觉不到疼痛。Fakirs can put a needle fight through an arm, and feel no pain.

我将永不会做一个苦行僧,如果她不和我一同去受戒。I shall never be an ascetic if she does not take the vow with me.

真正的王者能在苦行僧心中找到自己的宝座。He is true prince who finds his throne in the heart of the dervish.

即便让人们过上苦行僧的生活方式,仅在短期内缓解能源紧张的压力。Even the hair-shirt option, then, will bring only short-term relief.

因为他的坚持,廖凡甚至被冠以“艺术苦行僧”的绰号。For his perseverance, Liao even got the nickname "ascetic monk for art".

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他两腮下陷,面色发黄,腰板挺得笔直,显出一副苦行僧的样子。He had sunken cheeks, a yellow complexion, a straight back, and an ascetic aspect.

他后半生的苦行僧生活及弘法著述活动,应是他出家之谜最好的答案。Hieratic life and writing experience best answer his enigma of renouncing the family.

一个漆黑的夜晚,一个远行寻佛的苦行僧走到一个荒僻的村落中。On a pitch-dark night, a monk seeking the real Buddha was walking in a desolate village.

苦行僧转过一条巷道,他看见有一门昏黄的灯光正从巷道的深处静静地亮过来。The monk walked round an alley and saw a dim light cast from the depth of the dark alley approaching.

只有最吃苦耐劳的苦行僧或者圣人才会来到此地,表达对这块印度教心脏地带的无尚敬意。Only the hardiest sadhus, or holy men come to pay their respects at the very heart of the Hindu world.

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一个苦行僧和一个花花公子对牛排的偏好可能都是1000效用单位,对土豆的偏好都是100效用单位。Both an ascetic monk and a high-living playboy may assign 1000 units to a steak and 100 units to a potato.

苦行僧把自己奉献给精神生活,自己没有什么财产,并且通常依靠捐款过日子。Sadhus devote themselves to the spiritual life, own few possessions, and typically depend on donations to survive.

近处的一切仿佛都隐退得远远的,只剩下一个苦行僧凝静的白色雕像在俯首沉思。Everything near seemed to have receded far away, leaving the still white figure of an ascetic steeped in deep meditation.

在剑桥苦读的学子虽身处蜂巢般拥挤的教室,实际上却和沙漠中的苦行僧一样,是在独处。The really diligent student in one of the crowded hives of Cambridge College is as solitary as a dervish in the desert.

其他神职人员如苦行僧,则不愿参与无益的闲聊,只会在被认为必要的时候开口说话。Other orders, such as Trappist monks, are discouraged from "idle chatter" and will only speak when it is deemed necessary.

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她每天都过苦行僧般的生活——熬夜学习英文、为时尚杂志拍照、还要学习外国文化。Her daily grindincludes learning English until midnight, striking poses for fashion magazines, and learning about foreign cultures.

当然,这是沙丘苦行僧出现在你视野里的极佳时机,它的刀刃旋转造成了狂乱的旋风。Of course, this is the perfect time for a Dune Dervish to erupt into your field of vision, its blades spinning in a whirling frenzy.

这种讽刺风格成就了库宁汉的追求,和普勒斯的电影,将库宁汉的炫目作品和他古怪的苦行僧式生活连接起来。An irony shapes this pursuit, and Press' movie—one that's based in the gap between Cunningham's lush work and his weirdly ascetic life.