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侧脑室有些扩大。The lateral ventricles are somewhat enlarged.

这儿有许多电脑室在三楼。There are some comput rooms on the second floor.

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准备并接受一个外部脑室外引流包。Prepare and connect an external ventricular drainage bag.

脑室造影对肿瘤定位有很大价值。Ventriculography is of great value in locating the tumor.

这样的交互过程使得电脑室是一个生气勃勃和忙碌的地方。These interactions made the computer room a lively and busy place.

对8例大鼠第三脑室室旁器官进行了扫描和透射电镜观察。Both SEM and TEM of the paraventricular organ have been made in 8 rats.

第三脑室底造瘘治疗梗阻性脑积水。Endoscopic third ventriculostomy in treating obstructive hydrocephalus.

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目的探讨侧脑室室管膜囊肿的MRI表现。Objective To study MRI manifestations of lateral ventricle ependymal cysts.

借用者须先填写借用电脑室表格并须得到部门主任批准。Applicant shall fill up the application form and approve by department head.

使你的工作环境或者电脑室尽可能保持凉爽舒适。Keep your working environment or computer room as comfortably cool as possible.

患者接受了外部减压和脑室外引流。The patient underwent external decompression and external ventricular drainage.

目的研究高血压性脑室出血的新疗法。Objective To study the new treatment for hypertensive intraventricular hemorrhage.

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一个单一的病原体往往通过一种以上的机制引起脑室扩大。Often a single etiologic entity produces ventriculomegaly by more than one mechanism.

杏仁体位于侧脑室下脚前端的上方…Amygdaloid body is superior to the anterior end of inferior horn of lateral ventricle.

本文就其中的CT椎管造影和脑室脑池造影的应用技术和效果作一论述。This paper showed the technique and application of CT Myelography and CT cisternography.

方法床边锥颅侧脑室前角穿刺置管,复达欣灌注,结合腰穿脑脊液。Methods Puncture was operated and tube was placed in former cornu of ventricles of brain.

下丘脑的四脑室底部标记到部分多角细胞。Part of multi-angle cells labeled at the bottom of the epithalamic tetra-brain ventricle.

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结节状的灰质邻接并突向脑室,左侧比右侧明显。Nodular gray matter abuts and impinges on ventricles bilaterally, left greater than right.

方法对11例侧脑室脉络丛囊肿临床资料进行回顾分析。Methods The clinical data of 11 cases of choroids plexus cysts were retrospectively analyzed.

对160例脑室-腹腔分流术后患者进行回顾性评定。The curative effect of 160 patients undergoing V-P shunt was measured by retrospective study.