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我的钱!站住!My money! Stop!

你给我站住!You g ive me stop!

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一到门口,管家就站住了。At the outer door the steward paused.

哨兵看到我们时,大呼“站住”。The sentry cried "Halt" as he saw us.

哨兵看到我们时高呼“站住!”The sentry cried “Halt” as he saw us.

走,跑,站住,跳,稍息。Walk, run, stop, hop, and stand at ease.

我一喊“站住”,他就飞快地跑了。He hared off the moment I shout "stop! ".

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我们站住,等待合适的节拍,接着跳。We stood, waited for the beat, and tried again.

相隔五步路,大家就不约而同的站住脚跟。Five feet apart they paused as if by mutual consent.

不可回头看,也不可在平原站住。Don't look back, and don't stop anywhere in the plain!

他在街角站住了,向四面茫然地望了望。He stopped at the corner and looked about him vacantly.

他看见了两个年轻人,在他们面前站住了。He saw the two young people and stopped in front of them.

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站住!来者何人,来经许可,竟敢闯进谢伍德森林?Hold! Who comes here into Sherwood Forest without my pass?

陌生人一出现,士兵便喝令她站住,加以盘问。The soldier challenged the stranger as soon as she appeared.

他在她旁边站住,没碰她也不看她。He stopped beside her, without touching her or looking at her.

弗农冲进来站住,两眼发直,像一头激怒了的公牛。Vernon charges in, stands looking blinded, like an enraged bull.

珂赛特,当她过了最后那所房子的墙角,就忽然站住不动了。When she had passed the corner of the last house, Cosette paused.

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俄罗斯基本上已经在阿布哈兹和南奥赛梯站住了脚。Russia has dug itself in, basically, into Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

她站住沉思了一会,在黑暗中注视着我的脸。She stopped for a minute and thought and gazed at my face in the dark.

他握住栏杆的双手慢慢松开,接着便不需支撑地站住了。Slowly His hands relaxed their grip of the bar and he stood on His own.