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所以那里从不会人山人海。They are never crowded.

书展人山人海!People Mountin People Sea.

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看,看,人山人海。See, see, poeple mountain poeple sea.

欢迎火炬的市民人山人海。Huge crowds welcomed the torch parade.

的确,这片研究领域很快会变得人山人海。Indeed, this could soon become a crowded field.

长城上人山人海,还有许多“老外”呢!A sea of people on the Great Wall, there are many "laowai"!

在翚“kfc”挤挤就算了,在电梯上居然也是人山人海!In "KFC" winks calculate, incredibly is packed in the elevator!

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路上的人可多了,简直是人山人海、车水马龙。Can be more people on the road, it is a sea of people and traffic.

因此这里将会人山人海,而且会十分激动人心。So it's going to be very crowded and it's going to be very exciting.

但是对于那些会很快人山人海的地方,你就得,呃,快点了。But with places filling fast, you'll need to get your, er, skates on.

柯林顿总统站在讲台上看到人山人海的人群挥手向他致意。Standing at his podium, President Clinton saw a sea of faces waving at him.

展览会场人山人海,人要移动都很困难。There are still lots of people, so was hard to move in the exhibition hall.

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宗族节日,满大街人山人海。终于在英国看见一个有人气的地方了。Edinburgh, is the capital city of Scotland, a position it has held since 1437.

超市里人山人海,摩肩接踵,人们移动地非常缓慢。There were thousands of people inside and very crowed. People moved very slowly.

今天我很早就到达观音庙,这里人山人海非常的热闹!Today, I am already arrived at "Kwun Yam Temple", a very lively sea of people here!

人山人海,边走边爱,拿着车票微笑等待。A sea of faces, walking as well as being apt , waits being holding the ticket smile.

街上人山人海,就连坐车买票也要排着长长的队伍,打的也要等好长时间。Street sea, but also rank long car buying service, the fight must wait long periods.

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街上挤满了看起来很潮的人,不夸张的说,这真的是人山人海。The streets are loaded with really cool-looking people — and really loaded people, too!

这里人山人海,花灯种类繁多,设计新奇,造型各异。Here there were large, specially designed lanterns made a wide range of design, novelty.

双号房间真能足够排下人山人海的新客人吗?Are there really enough odd-numbered rooms to accommodate the teeming horde of new guests?