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潇洒的走。Free walk.

他潇洒地向她一鞠躬。He swept her a bow.

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我可以潇洒的让你走。I can cheesy let you go.

要是赢了的话,我可以好好潇洒一把。I could use that extra cash.

所以,现在我要潇洒地离开。So I am now going to walk away.

我潇洒的答应着。I natural and unrestrainedly promise.

她骑在马上,潇洒地随着马步的节奏上下起伏。She rode horseback posting elegantly.

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潇洒的法国人并非没有人生追求。Chic French is not the pursuit of life.

留在这里吧,你是个这样潇洒的小伙子,你是不会离开我的。Stay here. You are such a handsome man.

他不仅英俊潇洒,而且聪明。He is not only handsome but also clever.

跟以前一样英俊潇洒。行了,咱们走吧!As handsome as before. Come on, let's go!

他是一个英俊潇洒有着魔鬼般魅力的男人。He is a handsome man with devilish charm.

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他潇洒地歪戴着帽子。He was wearing his hat at a rakish angle.

并且,真性情也并不一定总是潇洒美妙的。And, it is also not always clear beautiful.

女孩更漂亮,男孩更潇洒!Girls , more beautiful! Boys, more handsome!

骑马的人是汉斯,确实是英俊潇洒、富丽堂皇。The rider, HANS, sure is handsome and regal.

我虽然说不上英俊潇洒,一表人才。Although I can not tell handsome, a talented.

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男孩们穿着学校制服,看起来潇洒漂亮。The boy looks smart in their school uniforms.

就是约翰·史密斯,全校最英俊潇洒的男孩!Only John Smith, the handsomest boy in school!

真正爱一个能做到潇洒地头也不回的转身吗?To really love a cool head can do not to turn?