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他只是个徒有虚名的游侠罢了。He is poor apology for a paladin.

他曾是一个著名的游侠。He was a well-known errant knight.

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我们平原游侠族就我一个叫这名。I am the only Atreyu of the Plains People.

电力别动队蓝色声音游侠光新。Power Rangers Blue Ranger light of new voices.

霹雳游侠迷,盖瑞史考特汤普森这里。Hey Knight Rider fans, Gary Scott Thompson here.

这安大略游侠加刀是第二代规格。This Ontario Ranger knife is the Spec Plus Gen II.

紫色是一种生而游侠的精神!The purple is one kind lives, but knight-errant's spirit!

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卡扎菲从不忘记他来自沙漠游侠、牧牛人。He never forgot his origins among the desert wanderers and cattlemen.

游侠悄无声息的向顶峰攀爬着。The ranger's footsteps made no sound as he climbed toward the summit.

唐吉诃德确信自己就是成为游侠的适当人选。Don Quixote was sure that he was the right man to be a knight -errant.

游侠将比所有其他可用箭的职业更早使用长弓。Rangers will be able to use Long Bows much earlier than other classes.

一个修改游戏参数的小程序,和金山游侠差不多。A revised parameters of small game procedures, and almost Jinshan drifter.

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“很好,”游侠答道,关闭城门并让你所有的部队随时保持警惕。Good, " said the ranger. Seal the gates and put all your troops on alert ."

沈浪是个专门以缉捕匪徒领取赏格为生的游侠。Shen waves in a specialized busting gangsters get reward town-centered ranger.

但没有问题。或者您可以在游侠上找欧版的,最完美的就是这个版本。Or you can find in the European version of the Ranger, the most perfect is this version.

而实际上,这一时期是游侠诗歌在继承曹植开辟的游侠诗传统的基础上进一步发展的重要阶段。In fact, it is a significant stage in the history of its progress which was begun by Cao Zhi.

一个小型的内存修改器,这个程序实现的功能和金山游侠之类的软件类似。A small memory device changes, the program's functions and Jinshan drifter like similar software.

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这名游侠的旅行才刚刚开始,希望大家继续关注他以后的行程。This paladin has just started his journey. I hope you will pay a close attention to his later journey.

秦汉游侠精神实质是反正统、倡私自复仇。The essentials of paladin spirit in Qin-Han era is anti-legitimacy and proposing revenge by themselves.

解读吴均的“游侠情结”有助于我们更为感性地认识其人其诗。The unscrambling of Wu's complex is helpful for us to understand him and his poems with more sensibility.