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市政债券是否安全?How safe are your munis?

我在市政大厅采访了巴洛。I interviewed Barlow at city hall.

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这就是市政债券保险公司These are municipal bond insurers.

高级市政官在市议会主持事务。Alderman sat in municipal councils.

我的朋友被选进了市政议会。My friend got onto the city council.

一个戴面具的人杀气腾腾地闯进了市政广场。A masked man ran amok in the town square.

市政栽下充数的四棵残次品。Four raggedy excuses planted by the city.

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市政消火栓应有明显标志。The fire hydrants shall be clearly marked.

市政中心类似于大会中心。Civic centers are similar to convention centers.

嗨。林林!你知道去市政大厅的路吗?。Hi, Lin Lin! Do you know the way to the Town Hall?

没有电话或者市政管线进入,自给自足,与世隔绝。No phone or utility lines coming in. Self-contained.

显然,斯堪的纳维亚的市政大厅统治着整座城市。It's clear that Stockholm's City Hall rules the city.

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被积雪困住的100多个居民被告知当地的市政部门不能帮助他们除雪。They had been told their local council couldn't help.

在欧洲,市政当局一般是对街头艺人持欢迎态度的。In Europe, city authorities generally welcome buskers.

该银行还参与了不可信的市政工程。The bank is also exposed to suspect municipal projects.

该项目为青龙县市政广场。The project is named as "Qinglong County Civic Square".

穆迪说,约7,000种市政债券的评级可能被下调。Moody's says about 7, 000 municipal ratings could be cut.

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如市政工程上的公共场所的阳光顶棚。Such as municipal works in public places on the sun roof.

地方政府发行的债券称为市政债券We refer to the bonds that they issue as municipal bonds.

法庭颁布的不利条款也有可能扰乱市政公债市场。An adverse ruling from the court could roil the muni market.