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在漫长的夏季,束束阳光Through the slow summer, when the sun

你是我身边一束束灿烂。A lifelong effulgence you are by my side.

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没人愿意看到枝头的束束凋花败叶。Nobody wants to look at a bunch of dead flowers.

束束光线透过墙上的裂缝照进屋里。Beams of light came through the cracks in the wall.

魔术师从戴著手套的手里变出一束束鲜花。The magician produced bunches of flowers out of his gloved hands.

这些结构是由一束束双螺旋DNA链构成。The structures are made from bundles of double-helix DNA strands.

在纽约,人们在波兰总领事馆外面放下一束束花。In New York, people left flowers outside the Polish Consulate General.

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今天,一束束的玻璃纤维用激光传递人们彼此间的通话。Today, parcels of cup fibers circularize calls on laser beams of light.

一个个年轻男女欢欣鼓舞,一束束鲜艳玫瑰跃跃欲试。A young men and women and rejoice, bundles bright-coloured rose itch to try.

一束束草心皮在位于南达科他的国家公园荒地里迎风起舞。Wisp grass seedpods sway in the wind in South Dakota's Badlands National Park.

柔和、凉爽的清风吹拂着一束束稻谷,它们像金色的波浪一样起伏、闪烁。The soft cool breeze moves the sheaves, which ripple and shimmer like waves of gold.

一束束稻草从这种生物破烂衬衫的袖子和领子上伸出来。Wisps of straw protrude from the creature's sleeves and the collar of its tattered shirt.

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尽管我们不知道所有的细节,但我们知道脉冲星如灯塔一般释一束束放射物。Although we don't know all of the details, pulsars emit lighthouse-like beams of radiation.

焕然一新的秦望广场,一束束蓝色灯光照着她,就像一个个幽蓝的宝石。Qin Wang Plaza, a new look, a bunch of blue light beam according her, like a jewel in a faint.

他在德鲁加茨的橱窗前停下步子,直勾勾地望着那一束束黑白斑驳、半熟的干香肠。He halted before Dlugacz's window, staring at the hanks of sausages, polonies, black and white.

还有游客留下了各国的国旗和一束束紫罗兰、玫瑰、百合、康乃馨。Others left flags of different countries, and bunches of pansies, roses, lilies and carnations.

自那时以来,每年的母亲节,这一家人都采摘着他们自己种植的束束紫丁香花。Since then, every Mother' s Day, the family gather bouquets of purple lilacs they planted themselves.

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一泓星光流入夜色,将一束束清亮的光辉洒落在这个江城的每个角落。Stars into the rainy night, the bundles of the clearest bright crisp in every corner of the River City.

一束束电线被盖在壁脚板下面,天花板上面的线路被木包装覆盖。The wire harnesses are covered with skirtings and the ceiling trunking is finished with a timber cover.

那伸出院墙的梨花一束束,那穿过村庄的河流,原来真的是有世外桃源的。That out Ehwa a bunch of wall-beam, and that the river through the village that is really the Shangri- la.