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这位男高音歌手师承一位歌唱家。The tenor was a pupil of a singer.

他的师承极为神秘,江湖上知晓的人极少。His Shi Chengji is mystery, the witting person on all corners of the country is few.

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黄宾虹、林散之和王冬龄的书法艺术具有密切的师承关系。The calligraphy art of Huang Binhong, Lin Sanzhi and Wang Dongling has close relations.

陈式小架由于仅在家族内传授,且师承严格,至今鲜为人知。Because Chen style small frame is only passed down to its own families and is very strict.

她其后获奖学金,在萨尔斯堡莫扎特音乐学院进修,师承格拉夫教授。She was awarded a scholarship to study at the Mozarteum in Salzburg with Maestro Hans Graf.

他的画师承巨然,善用湿墨,充分发挥水墨的特性。He learned painting from the famous painter Ju Ran and was good at using wet brush and strokes.

中医教育经历了从几千年师承教育向高等中医药院校教育转变的过程。Education of Chinese medicine has experienced the process from master-apprentice to college education.

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外科医师临床培养中的矛盾,主要表现为师承的矛盾关系及实践的矛盾关系。In clinical cultivation of the young surgery the major contradictions were in teaching and practicing.

当五四启蒙落潮以后,它的精神余脉成为沈从文师承五四的宝贵遗产。The spirit of May 4th Enlightenment became a precious legacy inherited by Shen Congwen after its fall.

澳洲藉的巴里.康宁汉,师承澳洲作曲家斯克尔索普和日本作曲家武满彻。Australian composer Barry Conyngham studied with Peter Sculthorpe in Australia and with Toru Takemitsu in Japan.

师承彼得•德鲁克的邵明路,是光华社会企业的创办人。A student of Peter Drucker, Shao Ming Lo is the founder of Bright China Group, which now, in turn, operates the Peter F.

作为传统的中医人才培养模式,师承制已在我省广泛实施。As the traditional Chinese medicine personnel training mode, Shicheng system has been widely implemented in our province.

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在归纳问题的解决方式上,金岳霖与罗素有师承关系。Russell is Jin Yuelin s teacher in the method of resolving the inductive problem and Jin Yuelin deepens Russells inductive idea.

在归纳问题的解决方式上,金岳霖与罗素有师承关系。Russell is Jin Yuelin's teacher in the method of resolving the inductive problem and Jin Yuelin deepens Russell's inductive idea.

曾为舞蹈演员的她,在调入解放军总装备部电视艺术中心后,师承蒙古族著名歌唱家乌日娜,她的演唱天赋得以开掘。Then she adhered to famous Mongolia vocalist Wurina's edification, her singing genius was illuminated after having been a dancer.

该机技术先进,是世界上为数不多的完全不“师承”苏美技术的战斗机之一。Mirage 2000 is a sample of the third generation modern fighters which totally not inherited the technology of US or Russia fighters.

师承中所体现的“师道”,对当下学者人格建设,对纯洁学术,极有借鉴意义。The instruction embodied in inheritance is significant to improve the moral quality and learning purification of contemporary scholars.

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有学者认为新保守派师承列奥·施特劳斯,也有学者指出莱茵霍尔德·尼布尔是新保守派的教父。Some believe Leo Strauss is neoconservatives Godfather, while others put much emphasis on Reinhold Niebuhr s influence on neoconservatives.

师承制,对于抢救名老中医经验行之有效、意义重大,但人才培养必须规模化。Shicheng system, the rescue of the old Chinese medicine proven experience of great significance, but must be large-scale personnel training.

之后,对热贡唐卡的装裱及热贡画师的师承关系作了简单介绍。Afterward, transited the discipling from the relations to Regong Tang Ka mounting as well as the Regong artist to make the simple introduction.