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那你是否对自己的新发型很满意呢?Happy with your hair?

不,我不满意。No,I'm not happy now.

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招聘专家支招,如何在2017年获得一份满意的工作?How to get a job in 2017?

小孩子嗬嗬做声表示称心满意。The child purred content.

我想要一个满意的成绩。I want a satisfactory result.

我满意我现在的进球数,我也很关注球迷对我的反应,他们让我感觉我做得不错。That tells me I'm doing well.

对你们夏天的引援工作满意吗?Happy with your summer's work?

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他嘴里哼哼着不满意地摇了摇头。He hummed and shaked his head.

安全飞行,满意服务!Saft flight Excellent service.

我希望苏萨先生会感到满意。Sousa would have been pleased.

这个是个能让人满意的结局吗Is that a satisfactory outcome?

她的答复令人十分满意。Her answer is most satisfactory.

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这令我很不满意。Lesson 364 I doesn't satisfy me.

你对什么事不满意?What are you dissatisfied about?

杨坚露出了满意的笑容。YangJian gave a satisfied smile.

云伯也很满意。Uncle Yun is also very satisfied.

满意的沃尔沃修车师傅呢?What about a good Volvo mechanic?

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这张台您还满意吗?Are you satisfied with this table?

格雷伯克满意地哼了一声。Greyback gave a grunt of pleasure.

石勒听了很满意。Schleswig listened very satisfied.