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我们现在唯一能做的,就是开足马力往前冲。The only thing we can do is to move full-steam ahead.

中国本土的汽车制造商也在开足马力提高产能。China's own automakers are also revving up production.

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他驾驶着警车开足马力向匪徒冲去。He drove the police car at full throttle and dashed at the gangsters.

但是,现在大大小小的钢铁厂又都开足马力生产。But, greatly small now steel ironworks production of put into high gear.

任其发展的巨无霸就像开足马力的投行一样难以管理。Sprawling conglomerates are just as hard to manage as turbo-charged investment banks.

当你要开足马力才能把飞机驶进停机坪时,你就知道刚才降落时,忘记放下起落架了。You know you've landed with the wheels up if it takes full power to taxi to the elevator.

除少数几家公司外,大多数的氨水生产厂家都在开足马力生产。With the exception of a few companies, most ammonia producers operated at close to capacity.

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他并指出,需要德国出口开足马力增长,方能协助欧洲避免再度堕入衰退.If Europe is to avoid that, it will need Germany's exports running at full strength, he said.

你为什么不把你的新车开到公路上去,开足马力看它能跑多快?Why don't you take your new car down the motorway and give it the gun to find out how fast it can go?

马丁什克特尔相信利物浦开足马力前进只是时间的问题。Martin Skrtel believes it is only a matter of time before Liverpool are firing on all cylinders again.

然而,死星开足马力,其笨重的涡轮激光炮也无法跟踪灵活的义军战斗机。Yet for all its power, the Death Star's ponderous turbolaser cannons could not track the swift Rebel fighters.

以防万一你天堂?笔闻风而至开足马力,IP电话是因特网协议语音略代名词。Just in case you haven?t caught on to the hype yet, VoIP is the abbreviated term for Voice over Internet Protocol.

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然而中国商飞还没有公布其此款窄体机的任何订单,供应商称该项目正开足马力运作中。While Comac has yet to announce any orders for its narrowbody jet, suppliers say the programme is progressing full steam ahead.

在这些用电高峰,最容易产生污染的电厂也得开足马力以应对需求,发电需要更大成本。During these peaks, the dirtiest power stations are fired up to help meet demand and electricity becomes more expensive to produce.

砖真帝国亲眼所见人类及其盟国击溃恐怖之君的时代,因此开足马力进攻。The Drengin Empire had vided their times that human and allies defeated the dread lords, and then they struck with their full might.

在许多不进行虚拟化的数据中心里,机房空间和电力会被那些基本上没有开足马力的设备消耗殆尽。In a lot of datacenters without virtualization, you’re eating up both floor space and kilowatt-hours with largely underutilized gear.

深圳地区的平板电脑厂商已经在开足马力生产这种产品,他们希望配置了ARM架构处理器和Android系统的平板电脑机型能成为2011-2012年驱动产业发展的主要动力。The Shenzhen tablet industry is kicking into overdrive, hoping ARM-based, Android-driven tablets will be a key driver in 2011 and 2012.

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如果我愿意,我可以继续开足马力亏本销售,我每损失一美元,垄断巨头将要损失一百美元或者更多。I can, if I wish, continue to produce at full capacity and sell at a loss,losing one dollar for every hundred or more lost by the monopoly.

去年他曾被指责在终点线前放慢速度,而这次,在30米处取得领先后,博尔特开足马力,一路冲刺直到撞线。Ahead from the 30m mark, he avoided the criticism from last year when he had jogged to the line, and this time pushed it all the way to the finish.

买太多了开足马力、半真理似乎有增无减传销广告预期在短短几个月大的收入,没有多大的工作或投资。They buy into too much of the hype and half-truths that seem to proliferate in MLM advertising, expecting a large income in just a few months without much work or investment.