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根据题意,每空填上一个适当的英文单词。Fill in the blanks with proper words.

首先,应正确理解题意。First of all, try to understand the question correctly.

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太多的学生还没有读题就觉得自己已经理解了题意。Also make sure that you understand just what you're being asked to do.

借此机会我们对你们的帮助表示衷心的感谢。此词显然不合题意。We take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation of your help.

首先,你必须充分理解题意,明白自己要做什么。First of all, you must fully understand the task and what you are asked to do.

按题意应该是我毕业。在我从小学毕业之后,我爸就送我到私立中学去了。After graduation from primary school, my father sent me to a private secondary school.

按题意应该是我毕业。在我从小学毕业之后,我爸就送我到私立中学去了。After I graduation from primary school, my father sent me to a private secondary school.

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题意是给你一个序列,问你最少交换多少次可以使整个序列单调上升。For each case, output the minimum times need to sort it in ascending order on a single line.

在考试时一定要注意,你写的所有内容都要切合题意。In the exams, make sure that everything you write is relevant to the questions you have been asked.

如果你不懂题意,你可以举手让老师重复一遍。If you do not understand the question, you should raise your hand and ask the teacher to repeat the question.

不知解答能否契合题意,还请您百忙中赐与指点一二。I do not know whether the answers to that intended, but also your busy schedule to give guidance on January 2.

不知解答是否符合题意。还请您百忙中给予指点一二。I do not know whether the answers to that intended. but also your busy schedule to give guidance on January 2.

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你的任务是写一个程序,找到符合要求的编号方法或确定不存在符合题意的编号方法。You should write a program that finds a required numbering or informs that it is impossible to satisfy the requirements.

首先在明确题意的基础上粗读一遍程序,找出明显的错误,如拼写错误等。Go up in the foundation of specific problem desire above all thick read a program, find out apparent mistake, wait like spelling mistake.

关于解题历程,五位研究对象对重述题意的表现不尽相同,且多数研究对象没有展现如何拟订计画。Regarding to the process of solving spatial orientation questions, five subjects demonstrated different representations in repeating the meaning of the questions.

若仍不懂题意,请在题目的最下方空格,填上您的疑问或建议,这样我们可以在下一版时作修正,我们会感谢您提供意见。If you are still not clear about the meaning of a question, please fill your opinions or suggestions in the blank space underneath the answers. We thank for your precious opinions.

你的任务是写一个程序,找到符合要求的编号方法或确定不存在符合题意的编号方法。The first line of an output should contain YES, if it is possible to find a required numbering, and NO otherwise. If the answer is YES, the second line should contain a possible numbering of flights.