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凯文·培根联合主演。Kevin Bacon co-stars.

该片由凯瑟琳·泽塔·琼斯主演。It stars Catherine Zeta-Jones.

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我真是爱死这部电视剧的主演了!I just loooove the leading actor in it!

我想看哈里逊‧福特主演的那部新片。I want to see the new Harrison Ford flick.

这部电影由巩利和周星驰主演。The film features Gong Li and Zhou Xingchi.

她将应邀再次与凯瑟琳联袂主演。She is to be costarred with Katherine again.

短片的主演还包括一位扮演儿子的男孩。The film also stars a boy who plays the son.

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它是由香港影星成龙主演。It featured the HongKong movie star Chenglong.

你看过影星汤姆·汉克斯主演的新电影吗?Did you catch the new movie starring Tom Hanks?

是约翰·库萨克主演的那部吗?"2012"? Is that the movie starring John Cusack?

芯片从1990年阿霍伊商业主演本斯坦。Chip Ahoy " commercial " from 1990 starring Stan.

噢。我知道。我昨天刚看了一部电影。他主演的。Oh.I know him.I saw a movie yesterday.He's in it.

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她和她的孪生姊妹联袂主演一部新影片。She costarred with her twin sister in a new film.

史蒂夫·马丁和莉莉·汤普林主演,大力推荐Steve Martin and Lily Tomlin, highly recommended.

还是喜欢巨星丹泽尔·华盛顿主演的?How about a blockbuster starring Denzel Washington?

联合主演的还有帕特里克·斯图尔特和梅尔·吉普森。Julia co-stars with Patrick Stewart and Mel Gibson.

“无耻混蛋”主演布拉德皮特和礼罗斯。"Inglorious Basterds" stars Brad Pitt and Eli Roth.

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没错。他们说是简?芳达主演的。You bet. They say the heroine is played by Jan Fonda.

她经常和与自己一起主演电影的男明星坠入爱河。She often fell in love with her costars in the movies.

她主演的一出戏称为“费城故事”。She starred in a play called "The Philadelphia Story."