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我想我应该重新审度我以后的生活,我的心和我的灵。I do really need to reevaluate my life , my heart and my soul?

我们必须重新审度自身在行业中的角色以及采取的策略。We must reassess our role in and our approach to this industry.

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我吗,随便在什么地方我都可以审度自己。"Yes, " said the little prince, "but I can judge myself anywhere.

也许是因为他其他的言论经不起仔细审度。Perhaps it's because his other arguments don't stand up to close scrutiny.

审度了此刻的险境之后,深具佛性的菩提王对其他的鹿说Then the Banyan deer, who was filled with the spirit of Buddha, said to all

不要通过你的双眼看自己,而是把自己当做另外一个人来审度。See yourself not through your own eyes, but as if you are a different person.

英雄人物的自傲性格导致悲剧,不仅符合亚里斯多德关于悲剧的理论,更反映出莎士比亚对人文主义的审度与反思。That arrogance leads to the tragedy of the hero confirms Aristotle's theory of tragedy, and moreover it shows Skakespeare's reflections on humanism.

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猴子也能像人类一样审度自己,澳大利亚人报就报道了这么一个有趣的实验。According to a report in the Australian, monkeys trained to play computer games have helped to show that it is not just humans that feel self-doubt and uncertainty.

当然,放弃的选择是一种苦难,但我们必须用心审度,什么对自己来说更为重要,做出选择,然后放弃其他,不要再回首想那些已放弃的东西,把精力集中于你正在做的事。Sure, it's a torture, but we must judge carefully what is more important, then give up the others. don't think of them any more, just focus all your spirit on what you are doing.

经过多年高校体育教学,我们在重新审度构成体育课诸要素的同时,努力寻找高校体育教学改革的核心要素。After many years of PE teaching in colleges, as we re-examine the various elements of the physical education, we are trying to find a core element of the reform of PE teaching in colleges.