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国营农场把试验田划给这个小组负责。The state farm assigned the experimental plot to that group.

通常建筑师会将较小的项目作为新点子的试验田。Often architects use smaller commissions as testing grounds for new ideas.

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试验田土壤未检测到农药六六六、滴滴涕和马拉硫磷残留。Residue of pesticide 666, DDT and malathion were not detected in the test soil.

美国农业部计划在整个大豆生产区播种700多块试验田。USDA plans to have over 700 plots scattered across the soybean-producing areas.

中国倾向于把香港作为金融改革的试验田。China has a tendency to use the territory as a laboratory for financial reforms.

种试验田的经验,值得普遍推广。The cultivation of experimental plots is an experience worth spreading everywhere.

这个实验已经运行了16年,包括了从1至16个物种不等的168个试验田。With 168 plots of one to 16 species, the experiment has been running for 16 years.

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相反,他向市政府写了一份报告,建议他们先种一小片试验田。Instead he wrote a report to the city's municipal government, suggesting that they run a smaller trial first.

调查了试验田的杂草情况,最主要的杂草是苦荬菜、灰绿黎和地肤。Investigated the weeds situation of the experimental plots, and found that the main weeds are Chenopodium glaucum L.

2009年,中国政府挑选了深圳等12座城市作为环保型汽车的试验田。In 2009, the Chinese government picked Shenzhen, along with 12 other cities, to lead the migration to green vehicles.

试验于2007年和2008年在成都温江四川农业大学水稻研究所试验田进行。The experiment was carried out in 2007 and 2008 years, in Rice Research Institute of Sichuan Agricultural University.

“这有一片在退化了的土地上种植的东西,”夏皮罗说,并让我们参观了三英亩的试验田"This is an area that's been planted on degraded land, " Shapiro says, giving a tour of the three-acre research plot.

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试验田得到改造,以适应氮肥撒播机施用氮肥的需要,这也许减少了一氧化二氮的排放。The test plots were managed to match nitrogen application with nitrogen use, which may have reduced nitrous oxide emission.

去年这些研究者们在试验田内见了多达一打品种的小树,以探究哪些品种在一起长得好。Last year the researchers set out young trees in test plots of up to a dozen species to find out what kinds grow well together.

约翰逊在一组试验田里轮作种植玉米和大豆,这组试验田每年都施以化肥,并用凿形松土犁或铧式犁耕作。Johnson rotated corn and soybeans on one set of plots that were fertilized and tilled every year with a chisel or moldboard plow.

具备空头机制的银行纸黄金交易将是投资人通往黄金衍生品市场的更好试验田。The paper gold with bear mechanism is regarded as the best investment vehicle for investors when they tap gold derivatives market.

在连续少免耕11年的定位试验田里,研究了少免耕土壤的供肥特性和水稻吸肥规律。The characteristics of soil fertility and rice absorbed nitrogen were investigated in continuonsminimurn or no tillage for 11 years.

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在考察途中,温相前往邓公雕像前献花,整整三十年前,邓公令深圳成为中国经济改革的试验田。During his trip Mr Wen laid flowers before a statue of Deng, who turned Shenzhen into a test bed for economic change exactly 30 years ago.

有了社交游戏,就有了一块研究人行为的试验田,这些玩家不仅有相同的喜好,还面临着共同的挑战,彼此之间又存在着竞争关系。With social gaming, you have a group of people who not only have a common affinity, they have a common challenge, and they're competitive.

小灵通业务对于S公司——这个传统的固网运营商来说,是正式开始移动业务运营前的试金石和试验田。PHS service is a touch stone and trial farmland before operating mobile communication service to a traditional fixed network telecom vendor.