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当气浪袭在她的身上,她会感受到。When waves of air beat against her, she felt them.

爆炸气浪把汽车掀起飞上空中。The force of the explosion blew the cars into the air.

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爆炸的气浪把迪丹吉推回到了掩体的前面。The blast blew Dingee back into the front of the bunker.

爆炸产生的气浪具有巨大的、远程的冲击作用。Shock waves from an explosion have a far-reaching impact.

他的耳鼓膜被爆炸的气浪震破。His eardrums had been punctured by the force of the explosion.

它似乎在气浪上扬帆航行,就像海浪上的一艘帆船。It seemed to sail on waves of air, just like a sailboat on ocean waves.

退到起火车辆的75英尺外,以躲避爆炸时飞出的碎片和强烈气浪。Try to move at 75 feet away from vehicle to avoid flying debris and heat blast.

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那辆探路者爆炸了,被吞噬在橙色的火球里,杰克被气浪掀翻,车里的三个人完全没有生还的可能。Jack was blown off his feet as the Explorer detonated in an orange fireball. The three occupants were engulfed.

本文建立了采空区大面积顶板冒落造成的冲击气浪的最大速度预测模型。The paper builds the top speed prediction modal of airflow which is engendered due to weighting over great extent.

另外,因为无托步枪退壳口非常接近使用者的面部,当废弹壳跳出时使用者感到非常大的声音、气浪和烟尘。Additionally, because the ejection port on the bullpup rifle is very close to the user's face, the user would feel greater sound, blast and smoke effects when spent casings eject.