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派对又热络起来。The party was back on.

今年夏天的新车销售热络了起来。New car sales have heated up this summer.

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不过黄金交易正在变得过于热络。The gold trade is getting crowded, though.

在金融市场上,此等债券的交易十分热络。Treasuries are heavily traded on financial markets.

男孩正跟机器人热络起来,而这正是关键所在。The boy is warming up to the machine, and that’s the point.

科学家们正热络地破译这种多功能分子。Scientists are scrambling to decipher this versatile molecule.

"热络的预售情况,可能也是希望对贾布斯的成就表示敬意的一部分,"她说.""The preorders may also be part of respect for what Jobs has done," she said.

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而众多理财管道中,以报酬率高,变现性佳之股票市场最为热络。Among these channels, stock is the hottest market with high revenue and good liquidity premium.

期权交易商报告说,以预定价位买进欧元的欧元多头合约交易热络。Options traders have reported brisk business in euro calls contracts to buy the euro at a pre-determined rate.

蒋经国时期与李登辉主政前期,“星光计划”最为热络。The "Starlight Program" was in its heyday in the period of Chiang Ching-kuo and the early stage of Lee Teng-hui's reign.

客人觉得没话说,便东拉西扯的问一些厂子过去的事,聊得也还算热络。Not knowing what to say, the visitor asked random questions about the factory's past, and the conversation went on fairly well.

喧嚣的聚会虽然通常能让人很快热络,但也会让维系友谊所需的亲密感消散在人堆里。However you should be careful that friendship needs to be cultured by heart, usually you need pay close attention to them, even slight feelings means much.

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经过时间的推移,在保留了中国特有的热络气氛的同时,大家对于淡雅风格的西式婚礼布置越来越接受。Over time, while still retaining the unique Chinese penchant for a carnival-like mood, people are more and more receptive to elegant western wedding setting.

但唯有消费者能走出房市泡沫破灭及随后2007-2009年金融危机所造成的个人财务伤害,经济才料将恢复热络成长.Still, few expect growth to hum until consumers can heal personal finances damaged by the popping of a housing bubble and subsequent 2007-2009 financial crisis.

ISuppli的Tufegdzic预期,PS3唯有等到2011年才会引领市场风骚,因Wii在今年推出健身软体之后销售持续热络.ISuppli's Tufegdzic expects the PS3 to lead the market only in 2011, as the Wii continues to gain momentum after the release of its new home fitness game this year.

在景气热络时期,日本企业增加兼职和约聘员工的雇用,这些员工和正式员工相比,几无法律上的保障.During the boom years, Japanese companies increased hiring of part-time workers and contract workers, who have little legal protection compared with regular workers.

我们两年多来一直试图要炒热这座城市,但北部人的反应不热络,活动总指挥萨瓦斯?克利斯托多洛说。" we ' ve tried to warm this city up for more than two years but northerners just haven ' t responded in sufficient numbers , " said event director savvas christodoulou.

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由于网际网路的发达,加上网路拍卖平台的快速、有效率,使得近年来国内网路拍卖的消费活动日趋热络。Because of popularity of the internet, and the fast, efficient of online auction platform, make domestic consumption of online auction activity becomes hot in recent years.

销售的热络亦促使投资者预期,主要汽车厂商或会提高产量,甚至可能停止由来已久的折扣活动,从而提高售价.The resulting boom also encouraged investor expectations that major carmakers will increase production and could even start to raise prices by ending long-established discounts.

正面的因素也相当明朗.中国上周放弃紧钉美元汇率制度,突显出其经济的力道,再加上全球工业生产稳健成长,显示今年经济成长即便不热络,但也仍稳健扩张.Positives are also clear. China's strength, demonstrated in last week's yuan depeg, and healthy global industry growth point to a steady if not raging expansion in the economy this year.