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移动的武器的节奏做POI的旋子转体。Move the arms in rhythm to do the poi spinning butterfly.

在练习时,我们先要做的是一个叫“三个数翻身”的动作训练转体。During practice, we do three-count rolls to work on rotation.

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钟运转体,整体及已装配,其它方法驱动者。Clock movements, complete and assembled, other methods driving.

表运转体,整体及已装配,自动上发条者。Watch movements, complete and assembled, with automatic winding.

负重转体,增强躯干侧面,腹部和下背部力量。Ration twist, develops side torso, abdominal and low back strength.

其它钟运转体,整体及已装配,电动者。Other clock movements, complete and assembled, electrically operated.

塑件宜取回转体对称外形,不宜过高。Plastic Parts Swinging back to symmetrical shape, should not be too high.

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具有螺旋状的螺转体的,塔楼状的,如某些有高螺旋圆锥体的腹足类动物的壳。Having the shape or form of a turret, as certain long-spired gastropod shells.

数控车床主要用于加工轴类、盘类等回转体零件。CNC lathe machining for the main shaft plates and other types of rotating parts.

通过转体他的髋关节打开,帮助其转肩侧对球网。The pivot opens up his hips, letting him get his shoulders all the way sideways.

按转体的周数分两周旋、三周旋等。Two weeks revolve, three weeks according to swivel Zhou Shufen revolve and so on.

结果受训组中有5例中转体外循环手术。Results There were 5 cases of conversion to on-pump surgery in the Training Group.

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他准备做他的第七个动作,向前翻腾一周半转体半周。He's going to go his seventh dive, the forward one and a half somersaults with half twist.

介绍该主桥的结构设计和采用的转体施工方法。This paper introduces the structural design and construction method by swing of the bridge.

本课题研究的等距型面联接件属于复杂回转体的一种。Equidistant profile surface discussed in this paper is one of the complex revolved workpiece.

在蝶泳腿后开始腹部发力转体准备自由泳或者蝶泳的出水。After the dolphin kicks roll to your stomach for your breakout in the freestyle and butterfly.

为了帮助它连接到了极点,我们用竹桩,也绑在转体的关系极。To help it attach to the pole, we used bamboo stakes and also tied to the pole with twist ties.

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央求转体时两腿不动,转体幅度要大,直腰,头颈要上顶。When begged twist legs do not move, twist to a large extent, Zhi Yao, head and neck to the top.

表运转体,整体及已装配,电动,仅有光电显时装置者。Watch movements, complete and assembled, electrically operated, with optoelectronic display only.

在43秒的位置我们来看弗兰克双反的转体和转肩动作。At 43 seconds in the video we watch Frank pivot and turn his shoulders on his two-handed backhand.