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你有去摸鬣狗吗?Did you pet a hyena?

他们告诉你了为什么我被叫做鬣狗吗?。They tell you why l was called The Hyena ?

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但是他从来都没有习惯鬣狗的存在。But he had never gotten used to the hyenas.

发出骇人的鬣狗般的笑声,然后是动作模糊的画面。Hideous hyena laughter, then a blur of motion.

然后传来一阵令人惊骇的叫声,就像鬣狗发疯似的笑声一般。Then a hideous sound, like a hyena's psychotic LAUGH.

实际上,雌性鬣狗的在群体中占据主导,它们体型更大,更具攻击性,研究发现,这与雌性鬣狗身上的雄性荷尔蒙有关。In fact the females are the dominant sex among hyenas.

如果你是一只鬣狗,你会用鼻子搜索下一餐吃的东西。If you're a hyena, you find your next meal with your nose.

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母条纹鬣狗有六个橡皮奶嘴,褐色土有四个。Female striped hyenas have six teats , brown hyena have four.

它像鬣狗一样,夜晚捕食,几乎总是独来独往。Like the hyena, it hunts for food at night, almost always alone.

土狼不像真正的鬣狗,它的牙齿小,颌骨没有劲。Unlike real hyenas, the earth wolf has small teeth and a weak jaw.

而在茨瓦纳语里,鬣狗叫做sephiri,意思是“守秘的动物”。The Sestwana name is sephiri that means the ‘animal of the secret’.

他们说一只鬣狗偷走了片子,但不知怎的,安德鲁又把它们找了回来。They said that a hyena stole the film.He got the film back somehow.

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你知道咆哮叫喊的鬣狗最出名的是什么吗?Spotted hyenas grunt and growl. But you know what they're famous for.

这帮子研究人员下一步准备研究在野外生存的鬣狗——只为博一笑。The researchers next plan to study hyenas in the wild. Just for laughs.

祖鲁人把鬣狗叫做impisi,意思是“做清洁工作的人”。The Zulu name for a hyena is impisi, that means “the one who cleans up.”

终于,这三只雌鬣狗从它们的小睡中站起身来,注意到了那只水牛。Eventually the three females got up from their nap and noticed thebuffalo.

我们已经注意到鬣狗和蜘蛛猴的大阴蒂。We have already noted the large clitoris in the hyaena and the spider monkey.

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这只鬣狗夺命而逃,而且居然逃脱了,但是它也遭受了重伤。The hyena fled and actually escaped, but not before it had been severely mauled.

但是那张让他无法动弹的脸没有动,那只鬣狗并没有再进屋。But the face that stilled him did not move, and the hyena did not come back inside.

在大斋节之前,鬣狗粪便中约15%的皮毛来自野驴。Before Lent, about 15 percent of hair in hyena scat samples came from hunted donkeys.