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像狐步舞、华尔兹舞、伦巴、探戈等等。Such as fox-trot waltz rumba and tango.

通过西方和伦巴第的大地Through the Lands of the West and Lombardy

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沃伦巴菲尔德执行居住在岩石教堂。Warren Barfield performs live at The Rock Church.

科伦巴咖啡,知名的休闲咖啡连锁品牌。Columba Coffee, a famous leisure coffee chain brand.

他颤抖得像是个伦巴乐队的主唱歌手。He was shaking like the lead singer in a rumba band.

放祭衣的圣器收藏室餐具柜,伦巴底700,落叶松木材。Sacristy sideboard for paraments, Lombardy end of 700, larch wood.

在他倦意蜷蜷的伦巴歌声中,刚果夫妇们从来没有停止过舞步。Congolese couples had never stopped dancing to his languorous rumbas.

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当时,法国与皮埃蒙特已经联手将奥地利人逐出了意大利北部的伦巴第地区。France and Piedmont, in alliance, had kicked the Austrians out of Lombardy.

恰恰恰舞演变而来的伦巴和包括三个步骤和洗牌。The cha cha dance evolved from the rumba and includes three steps and a shuffle.

我在空无的噪音、鳗鱼似的热度、昏愕的汁水、迷醉的伦巴和初生的红光中被顶起。I am jacked up on void noise, eel fevers, stupor juice, drunken rumbas and birth glows.

沃伦巴菲特,这位身家亿万的投资者、经济预言家这周看好什么?What does Warren Buffett, billionaire investor and economic soothsayer, like this week?

谷物由伦巴第大区和坎帕尼亚中也提到了这是蜂蜜从西西里和塔兰托。Grains from Lombardy and Campania are also mentioned as is honey from Sicily and Taranto.

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想想那些并不符合传统有钱人模式的人吧,例如沃伦巴菲特。Just think of those who don't fit the filthy-rich stereotype. People like Warren Buffett.

他们数起接受森巴、伦巴、拉丁舞,但其数量是一般穷人。They play a few acceptable Rumbas and Sambas, but their Latin numbers are generally poor.

比尔盖茨、沃伦巴菲特、拉里·埃里森这三个名列榜首的人,都是通过自己实现成功的。Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Larry Ellison – all self-made – topped the list, once again.

“只要一个运营商接受融合,那么其他运营商将会紧跟其后,”伦巴第说。"As soon as one operator adopts convergence, all the others have to follow, " says Mr Lombard.

弗朗西斯科把他的兴趣转向了伦巴第,勃拉其奥则去反对教廷和那不勒斯王国了。Francesco turned his ambition to Lombardy, Braccio against theChurch and the Kingdom of Naples.

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哈吉·努萨西收割归来,挑着神圣的红稻回到塞姆巴伦巴姆邦村。Back from the harvest, Haji Nursasih carries sacred red rice to the village of Sembalun Bumbung.

地质机器人在火星地表趴趴走,吸尘机器人小伦巴进入家庭为人吸尘。Robotic geologists are puttering around on Mars, little Roomba vacuums suck up dirt in the home.

传统伦巴第亚风味烩猪肋排,猪脚,香肠,卷心菜配玉米饼。Traditional Lombardia stew, with pork ribs, sausage, pork feet, braised cabbage and soft polenta.