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营养不良主要是因为偏食造成的。Malnutrition caused mainly because junk food.

偏食的改变需要时间来发生。Changes in food preferences take time to happen.

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它也帮助你避免偏食和放纵开怀。It also helps you avoid cravings and overindulging.

不吃偏食可以改善健康和福祉。Eat a wide variety to improve health and well-being.

有的患者过度限制饮食或偏食。Some patient excessively on diet or partial eclipse.

涐对感情很偏食,只靠你的爱涐才可以过日子。My feelings very partial, depending only on your love I can live.

这些地点可以看到完整的偏食从开始到结束。These locations can see the complete eclipse from beginning to end.

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培养幼儿不偏食、不挑食的饮食卫生习惯。Cultivate good habits about choice of food and not to be too selective.

目的探讨儿童厌食偏食的治疗方法。Objective To probe the therapy of anorexia and food preference in chidren.

有时候,月亮并没有完全进入地球的影子,这时候,只有一部分月亮变暗,我们将看到偏食。Sometimes the moon doesn’t completely fall into the shadow of the Earth, however.

他们就开始偏食,这样的话会让他们营养不良。They begin to dietary bias, which makes the nutrition in their body in out-off-balance.

涐对感情很偏食,只靠你的爱涐才可以过日子。却不小心的又没有带走记忆。E to affection is junk food, only by your love E to life. But don't be careful and not take away the memory.

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在俄罗斯中部、哈萨克斯坦、蒙古和中国西北偏食发生时太阳正缓缓地消失在地平线下。Central Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and north-west China all observed an eclipsed Sun dive over the horizon.

观众观看涌潮偏食所造成的钱塘江在盐官镇,海宁市,中国。Spectators watch a tidal bore caused by the eclipse at the Qiantang River in Yanguan town, Haining City, China.

拒绝了大自然的慷慨资源,我们便是失败的不偏食者。我们让不偏食者群体失望了。By shutting ourselves off from the bounties of nature, we become failed omnivores. We let the omnivore team down.

如果缺乏正当的研究和医学上的建议,有人可能会因为偏食而导致营养不良。Without proper research and medical advice, some people may eat the wrong kind of foods and become vitamin deficient.

在上面的视频中,我们可以看到恒星、月亮,甚至还有偏食的太阳的升起,在希腊的美丽的地标上熠熠生辉。In the above video, stars, the Moon, and even a partially eclipsed Sun were recorded rising and setting over photogenic landmarks in Greece.

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在生活、饮食习气的不一般下,由于营养摄取不平衡很冗杂招致偏食,使得发质软弱,千万不能无视它。In life, eating habits are not normal, because of nutrient intake lead to a partial eclipse imbalance is jumbled, making the hair weak, do not ignore it.

有些女性不爱吃肉和新鲜蔬菜,爱吃糖果糕点,这种偏食习惯也可造成铁摄入不足。Some women do not love to eat meat fresh vegetables love to eat cy, pastry, this kind of junk food habits can also be caused by inadequate intake of iron.

阿偏食是在更广泛的道路月球半影的阴影,其中包括亚洲的大部分地区,印度尼西亚和太平洋。A partial eclipse is seen within the much broader path of the Moon's penumbral shadow, which includes most of eastern Asia, Indonesia, and the Pacific Ocean.