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当我回到家,我就把冷柜里的食物都吃了。When I got home I ate everything in the icebox.

你必须把冰箱、冷柜和橱子锁起来。You have to lock the refrigerator, the freezer, cabinets.

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穆尔用半只火鸡、土豆和沙拉塞满了这个冷柜。Moore packed the cooler with half a turkey, potatoes and salad.

开个茶叶店必备冷库冷柜,即时下普遍在夏日使用冷贮法。Keeping Tea shop must have freezer, and use freezer keeping tea in summer.

备注国内任何港口到敖德萨冷柜,绝对的国内最低价。Reefer container from any port in china to odessa , we can offer the lowest price.

当辛迪穆尔在感恩节的早上去取火鸡得时候,发现冷柜丢了。When Cindy Moore went to get the turkey Thanksgiving morning, the cooler was gone.

冰箱,冷柜,空调等制冷压缩机加热。Used as the heater for compressors of refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners.

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冷凝器是冷柜制冷系统的重要部件。The condenser is one of important components of the refrigerating system for freezer.

此后,他又开办了生产电冰箱和冷柜的工厂,以及生产建筑材料的企业。Later, he opened factories to produce refrigerators and freezers , and then construction materials.

过年买的年货太多,把挺大的冷柜都塞满了。We have bought too many special purchases for the Spring Festival, and crammed the big refrigerator.

该联合会在农贸市场销售部分产品,并且现在已经购买了冷柜。The community group sells some of its produce at a farmers market and has now bought storage freezers.

代理销售各类家用空调、冰箱、冷柜、冷库的零配件。Agents selling all kinds of home air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers, cold storage of spare parts.

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介绍一种冰箱、冷柜基本性能自动测试的计算机系统。A computerized automatic test system for the basic performance of refrigerators and freezers is introduced.

在杂货店或者便利店,你会在放饮料的冷柜中看到这种绿茶或那种绿茶。In a grocery store or in a convenience store in front of the beverage cooler you will see green tea this or green tea that.

因而全封锁扭转式制冷紧缩机在制冷空和谐冷柜中广范应用。So completely closed rotating refrigeration compressors in refrigeration and air-conditioning and refrigerator in the broad-application.

我司制造范围广泛的产品,例如电冰箱,冷柜,洗衣机,干衣机,烤箱,炉灶面,洗碗机等。We manufacture a wide range of products such as Refrigerators , Freezers , Washing Machines , Dryers , Ovens , Cooktops , Dishwashers etc.

这种自然复叠式低温冷柜结构简单,在低温医学等方面有较好的应用。This low-temperature freezer is characteristic for its compactness and it can be applied well in low temperature medicine and other regions.

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过去四天,卡扎菲父子和尤尼斯的遗体一直被放在米苏拉塔某仓储区的一个冷柜里。The bodies of the two Gadhafis and Mr. Younis had been kept in a refrigerated produce locker in a warehouse area of Misrata for the past four days.

在超市的绿叶菜的冷柜里,你会发现这种来自地中海,味道稍苦且咸的蔬菜。Hidden in the leafy-greens cooler of your market, you\'ll find this slightly bitter, salty vegetable, which is actually native to the Mediterranean.

广泛应用于通讯设备、音响设备、冷柜冰箱、家用电器、计算机周边设备的散热的制冷。Are widely used in communications equipment, audio equipment, freezer refrigerator, home appliances, computer peripheral equipment, refrigeration cooling.