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序言已经改写。The preface has been reworded.

这本书有作者写的序言。He wrote a preface to the play.

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该书有作者写的序言。I have read the preface of the book.

序言中,介绍了冰心的一生。Preface, introduces the bing xin's life.

她很快读完了序言和导论。She read foreward and introduction soon.

我已经写好了这本书的序言。Ive finished my introduction to the book.

她把序言从头到尾看了三遍。She read the preface through three times.

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这本书的序言写得很好。The preface of the book was well written.

他为这个剧本写了一篇精彩的序言。He has written a fine preface to the play.

这本书有一篇总统作的序言。This book has a foreword by the President.

我已经写完了这本书的序言。I have finished my introduction to the book.

该书有作者写的序言。The book has a preface written by the author.

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这本书有作者写的序言。This book has a preface written by the author.

序言对全书内容作了一个概述。The preface gave an overview of the book's contents.

第一个序言,每个条约都能找到。First there is a preamble. That's found in every one.

这本书的序言是由一个闻名作家写的。The preface of the book was written by a famous writer.

这本书的序言是由一个著名作家写的。The preface of this book is written by a famous writer.

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这个问题在序言中已粗略地提到了。The subject has been referred to cursorily in the preface.

函数的序言通常遵循以下顺序A function's prologue usually follows the following sequence

这些序言通常是较少历史利益。These prefaces are usually of much less historical interest.