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环境效益和经济效益皆佳。It is benefit to environment and economy.

所以,从经济效益上来说,And so it's better economically for the company

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取得了显著的经济效益。Remarkable economic results have been achieved.

然而它会给中国带来同样的经济效益吗?But would it have the same economic benefit in China?

节俭就可以很容易地达到经济效益。Pratice economy will reach economical efficiency easily.

经济效益明显,每公顷净增效益平均为105.38元。A net profit of 105.38 RMB per hectare could be achieved.

其经济效益和节能十分可观。Its economic benefits and effects of saving energy aro enormous.

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讲产品质量,不能不讲经济效益。Speak the product quality, have to speak an economic performance.

本文油藏条件下,裂缝穿透比为0.15~0.25间的经济效益最佳。The ratio between 0.15 to 0.25 can make the best economic benefit.

它直接影响到矿山开采的速度、生产效率和经济效益。It directly influences speed, productiveness and benefit of mining.

为创建绿色饭店,提高饭店的经济效益,提供了一条行之有效的途径。It is important to build the green hotel and raise economic benefit.

阶段饲养对饲养肉用幼兔的经济效益无影响。The phase feeding has little effect on raising growing meat rabbits.

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森林总经济价值,又称森林的经济效益。Value of silvan total economy, weigh silvan economic benefits again.

推广应用两步再生法有较好的社会和经济效益。Popularization of the method has better social and economic benefits.

对于提高清净效果和经济效益具有一定作用。Especialy it helps to raise clarifying effect and economic efficiency.

鄱阳湖圩区的低洼农田,种植水稻的经济效益不高。The profit gained from raising rice was not well on the low farm land.

并对该机的应用及经济效益进行了分析。And the applications and economic benefits of the molder were analysed.

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会展旅游是关联带动性强、经济效益高的旅游产品类型。The MICE tourism is a highly profitable product with strong relativity.

一个中型制革厂,全年可得经济效益7万元左右。For a median size tannery, about 70 thousand yuan can be saved annually.

如果不采矿柱矿山经济效益将急剧滑坡。Ifthe jamb -mine isn'texploited, theeconomic benefit will godownrapidly.