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如此骄健,如此威勇,如此真切。So strong, so brave, so true.

而且我可以真切地感受到,And I can see that in a very tangible way

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我真切明瞭为什麽叶间淌著音乐。I truly know why there is music in leaves.

她这番话在如今看来比以往任何时侯都要更真切。Her comment is true now more than ever before.

韩梅该真切他的电话号码。Hthe best Mei ought to know his telephone number.

从天堂雅雅居出来,真切地感受到秋日的暖阳。From heaven and garden, truly feel the autumn sun.

观察你的孩子真切地看他们在做什么。Watch your kids and really see what they’re doing.

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美国的一山一水都真切地变得更为干净。America's air, water and lands are measurably cleaner.

一些人认为他一定已经入土了,但没有人能说个真切。Some thought he must be dead, but none knew positively.

而真切的感受到张鹏野的人时,是在他宋庄的家里。And meeting him in person was at his home in Songzhuang.

美国的一山一水都真切地变得更为干净。America's air and water and lands are measurably cleaner.

这是一个极好的问题,因为对于生活来说是如此的真切。This is an awesome question, because it’s so true to life.

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现在,我们真切希望你们能看看我们是如何生活的。Now we really want you to look at the images of how we live.

人们对他真切的喜爱和情感从全国各地倾泻而来。Genuine love and affection poured in from all over the country.

确实慢下脚步来,而我能够真切地观赏到每一朵花。It does slow you down but I was able to really see each flower.

上了一层光晕,令他也看不真切。Ascend 1 F light is dizzy, make him also watch not naturalistic.

2008年最后四个月的时光极为艰困,充斥着恐惧及金融业崩溃疑虑,让人无法真切的思考'是否、能否、可否'这样做的问题.重点在于高盛的品牌非常强势.Could we have?' The point is Goldman is a very strong franchise.

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那些真切有过的快乐·希望·挽留那快逝去的美丽。Those who really had to stay happy, the fast fading, the beautiful.

然而我们如何敢断定自己看到的现实景象是真切的、不失真的呢?But how do we know we have the true, undistorted picture of reality?

我们真切希望特大城市能继续推广流行下去。We do hope that Cities XL has many more great years ahead of itself!