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父啊,是的,这就是你的美意。Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.

我只是想帮忙。请原谅。我是出于美意的。I was just trying to help. Forgive me for being nice.

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英法美意日都他妈的是狗屎。Britain and France USA and japan are all damn and shit.

神容许黑暗临到,自有祂的美意。God has a purpose for allowing these dark times in our lives.

基督使安息日恢复它本来的美意和光泽。Christ restored the Sabbath to its original beauty and luster.

我喜欢好天,这使我感应轻松,有个美意情。I like sunny day, it makes me feel relaxed and have a good mood.

休闲于身,舒坦在心,优雅氛围令您驻足美意绵绵。Lie fallow health pleasing gentler atmosphere allow you Satisfaction.

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然而,在上帝的帮助下,我们的试炼和苦难会提炼出他的美意。Yet with God's help, good can come out of our trials and tribulations.

求你随你的美意善待锡安,建造耶路撒冷的城墙。Do good to Zion in your good pleasure, building up the walls of Jerusalem.

感激你们的美意约请,我也等候着与总司理老师碰头。Thank you for your hospitality. I look forward to meeting your general manager.

我们感谢感动你的美意,永远珍爱你给我们的标致的馈礼。we appreciate your kindness and we shall always cherish this lovely gift from you.

灵活机动地安排日子,因为你无法知道谁会来访。不同的场合都有神的美意。Be flexible as you never know who's coming. God will use the situation for his purpose.

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亨利,我都替你不好意思了。别辜负了这位好先生的美意,要我替你来表示谢意吗?Henry, I'm ashamed of you. You don't half thank the good gentleman. May I do it for you?

但愿不久您能有机碰到纽约来,使我能答谢您的美意。i hope something will bring you to new york soon so that i can reciprocate your kindness.

哪些部合是有效的,哪些是对于误的、美意的,乃至杂粹只是正在收牢骚。Which parts are valid, and which are incorrect, misinformed, malicious, or just plain whiny?

很好。感谢感动你们的美意好客,我也等候着与总司理先生碰头。Yes, that's fine. Thank you for your kind hospitality. I look forward to meeting your General Manager.

都是照他自己所预定的美意,叫我们知道他旨意的奥秘。And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ.

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起先这些雪花般纷飞的棉絮看上去还很有些美意,但是随著数量的不断增加,城市的某些地方完全被笼罩在了满无边际的白色之中。But the volume increased all day and some parts of the city were filled with an absurd amount of the white stuff.

都是照他自己所豫定的美意,叫我们知道他旨意的奥秘Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself

智信者深体佛法之精神,迷信者曲解宗教之美意。A wise believer understands the essence of Buddhism, Those who are superstitious misinterpret the virtue of religion.